Generator for monkey files in bobflux application.
Generator for monkey files in bobflux application. Inspired by bobril-build
How To Generate cursors
- Install bobflux-gen:
npm i bobflux-gen -g
- run generating:
bfg c --appStatePath src/states.ts --appStateName YourRootStateName --parentStateKey --recursively 1
- "-p, --appStatePath " - defines pattren for state files search (default is ./state.ts)
- "-n, --appStateName " - defines root name of Application state (default is IApplicationState)
- "-k, --parentStateKey " - defines key of parent state, it's suitable for nested states (default is empty)
- "-r, --recursively <1/0>" - enables recursively generation for nested states (default is 0)
- "-d, --debug <1/0>", "enables logging in debug level", /^(true|false|1|0|t|f|y|n)$/i, "0"
- just look at all *.cursors.ts
How To Generate functionl cursors
- Install bobflux-gen:
npm i bobflux-gen -g
- run generation:
bfg fc --appStatePath src/states.ts --appStateName YourRootStateName --parentStateKey --recursively 1
- "-p, --appStatePath " - defines pattren for state files search (default is ./state.ts)
- "-n, --appStateName " - defines root name of Application state (default is IApplicationState)
- "-k, --parentStateKey " - defines key of parent state, it's suitable for nested states (default is empty)
- "-r, --recursively <1/0>" - enables recursively generation for nested states (default is 0)
- just look at all *.f.cursors.ts
How To Generate StateBuilders for your tests
- Install bobflux-gen:
npm i bobflux-gen -g
- run generating:
bfg b --appStatePath src/states.ts --appStateName YourRootStateName --specRelativePath ../spec/ --recursively 1
- "-p, --appStatePath " - defines pattren for state files search (default is ./state.ts)
- "-n, --appStateName " - defines root name of Application state (default is IApplicationState)
- "-s, --specRelativePath " - defines spec directory relative path from appStatePath (default is next to states)
- "-k, --parentStateKey " - defines key of parent state, it's suitable for nested states (default is empty)
- "-r, --recursively <1/0>" - enables recursively generation for nested states (default is 0)
- "-d, --debug <1/0>", "enables logging in debug level", /^(true|false|1|0|t|f|y|n)$/i, "0"
- just look at all *.builders.ts
How To Generate OData Api
- Install bobflux-gen:
npm i bobflux-gen -g
- run generating:
bfg o -u http://localhost:8097/api/odata/$metadata -f ./axiosApi.ts
- "-u, --metadataUlr ", "defines odata metadata url
- "-f, --targetFile ", "defines target file where will be odata api generated
- "-d, --debug <1/0>", "enables logging in debug level", /^(true|false|1|0|t|f|y|n)$/i, "0"
- just look into ./axiosApi.ts