The front-end is separated from the back-end, freely simulating dynamic data
The front and back ends are separated, and the front end freely and dynamically simulates the data returned by the back end
After the front-end development is completed and deployed to the environment, let the back-end development compare the mock data to play by himself
// axios 只是作为例子使用,并不依赖,可以是任何异步或者同步函数
// axios is only used as an example and does not depend on it, it can be any asynchronous or synchronous function
import axios from 'axios';
import { mock } from 'bmock';
// import mockdata from './xxx';
const delay = (data, time = 500) => new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(resolve, time, data);
const mockData = {
'/api/user/1': {
status: 0,
data: {},
'api/user/2': () => {
return {
status: 0,
'/api/verifyCode': () => {
return delay({
status: 0,
data: {
verifyCode: 999 + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 9000),
'/api/login': () => {
return delay({
status: [0, -1][count % 2],
msg: 'error, try again',
data: {
token: Math.random().toString(36).slice(2),
'/api/list': (param) => {
const { page } = param;
const { pageNo = 1, pageSize = 15 } = page || {};
const totalSize = 101;
const totalData = Array.from({length: totalSize}, (_, index) => ({
code: `shopCode${index + 1}`,
address: 'xxxx',
title: `xxx${index + 1}`,
return delay({
"status": 0,
"msg": "",
"data": {
"page": {
curPage: pageNo,
data: totalData.slice((pageNo - 1) * pageSize, pageNo * pageSize),
// default
const axios1 = mock(axios, {
data: mockData, //必需(required)
// or
// the key of mockData must match /^(?:http[s]?:\/\/\S+?)?\/\S+$/ when using this way
// /xx, https://xx.xx/xx, http://xx.xx/x ...
const axios1 = mock(axios, mockData);
axios1({ url: 'xxx'});
// 自定义配置参数
// Custom configuration parameters
const axios2 = mock(axios, {
// 必需
// 支持函数: data: () => mockData;支持异步thenable: data: () => Promise.resolve(mockData)
// required
// suport function: data: () => mockData; support async thenable function: data: () => Promise.resolve(mockData)
data: mockdata,
// 非必需,默认值:__MOCK__
// 通过在url中添加__MOCK__参数,开启mock模式,当前url页面所发起的所有请求都使用mock数据(isProd为false且未配置isMock)
// not required, default value: __MOCK__
// By adding the __MOCK__ parameter to the url, the mock mode is enabled,
// and all requests initiated by the current url page use mock data (isProd is false and isMock is not configured)
flag: '__MOCK__',
// 非必需,默认值:false
// 支持boolean或者函数,当传入boolean值时,控制所有请求是否使用mock数据,true: 使用,false:不使用
// 当传入函数: isMock: ({ __mock } = {}) => __mock 时,针对单独请求进行mock
// not required, default value: false
// support boolean or function, when the boolean value is passed in, control whether to use mock data for all requests, true: use, false: not use
// when passing in the function: isMock: ({ __mock } = {}) => __mock, it can be mocked for individual requests
// const axios1 = mock(axios, {data: mockData, isMock: ({ __mock } = {}) => __mock})
// axios1({url: '/user/1', __mock: true })
// axios1({url: '/user/2', __mock: false })
isMock : true,
// 非必需,默认值:false
// 支持函数方式:
// isProd: () => true; 返回值为true时,不支持mock;返回值为false时,支持mock
// not required, default value: false
// the function method is supported:
// isProd: () => true; when the return value is true, mocking is not supported; when the return value is false, mocking is supported
isProd: false,
// 非必需, 默认值为:"url"
// 通过该值去匹配mockData中的数据, 匹配失败,则不进行mock
// not required, default value: "url"
// which is used to match the data in mockData, If the match fails, mocking will not be performed.
// const mockData = {'/user/1', () => {}};
// const axios1 = mock(axios, { data: mockData, key: 'url' });
// axios1({url: '/user/1' });
key: 'url',
// 非必需
// 与字段“key”作用一致,优先级高于字段“key”,
// 该函数参数为被mock函数的参数
// not required
// It has the same function as the field "key", and has a higher priority than the field "key".
// The function parameter is the parameter of the mocked function
// const mockData = {'/user/1', () => {}};
// const axios1 = mock(axios, { data: mockData, setPath: ({ url }) => url });
// axios1({ url: '/user/1' });
setPath: ({ url } = {}) => url,
// 注意:mock权重 isProd > isMock > flag
// warn: mock's priority: isProd > isMock > flag
axios2({ url, __mock: true });
// usage 3
// mock axios get|post
const axiosGet = mock(axios.get, { data: mockData });
const axiosPost = mock(, { data: mockData });
axiosGet('/user/1', {});
// usage 4
// async function
const asyncFn = ({ path, __isMock, data } = {}) => Promise.resolve({});
const mockAsyncFn1 = mock(asyncFn, { key: 'path', data: mockData, isMock: true });
mockAsyncFn1({ path: '/user/1', data: {} }).then((data) => {}); // mock all
const mockAsyncFn2 = mock(asyncFn, { data: mockData, setPath:({ path }) => path, /*or key: 'path'*/ isMock: ({ __isMock }) => __isMock);
mockAsyncFn2({ path: '/user/1', __isMock: true, data: {} }); // only mock path '/user/1'
mockAsyncFn2({ path: '/user/2', __isMock: false, data: {} });
// usage 5
// sync function
const fn = (param) => ({});
const mockFn = mock(fn, { data: mockData });