Webhook Vote Reciever For Lists Such As, InfinityBotList and Many More To Come!
BLWebhooks, The Next Gen Vote Hooks!
Table of Contents
- Installation
- Contributing
- Supported Libraries
- Support Lists
- Usage
- Vote Hooks
- Events
- Vote Database
- Other Projects
Need Any Help Setting It Up? Join Our Support Server. It's intended to be used with discord.js v14.
BLWebhooks fully supports external and discord.js internal sharding, make sure to enable the Sharded Client Option.
BLWebhooks is maintained and supported by the JMServices Team.
NPM (recommended)
# Stable
npm i --save blwebhooks
# Nightly Builds
npm i --save blwebhooks@nightly
# Stable
yarn add blwebhooks
# Nightly Builds
yarn add blwebhooks@nightly
Supported Libraries
| Name | Features |
| ------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------ |
| discord.js | DATABASE
| Eris | EXPRESS
Supported Lists
| Name | Features | UserID | BotID | userName | Event Name |
| --------------- | ------------------- | ------ | ----- | -------- | ----------- |
| true | true | false | topgg-voted |
| InfinityBotList | DATABASE
| true | true | false | IBL-voted |
| VoidBots | DATABASE
| true | true | false | VB-voted |
| DiscordLabs | DATABASE
| true | true | false | DL-voted |
| Blist | DATABASE
| true | true | false | BLT-voted |
| true | true | false | DBC-voted |
| ParadiseBotList | DATABASE
| true | true | true | PBL-voted |
Future Lists
| Name | Features | ETA |
| ------ | ------------------- | --- |
| Botrix | DATABASE
| N/A |
Import the lib via ES6 or commonJS modules
// ES6
import * as blwebhooks from "blwebhooks";
// or commonJS
const blwebhooks = require("blwebhooks");
With discord.js
const { Client } = require("discord.js");
const client = new Client({
intents: []
const { WebhooksManager } = require("blwebhooks");
const voteClient = new WebhooksManager(client, 80, {
database: "none", // mongoose or sqlite3
protocol: "discordjs", // Define the discord client
string: "mongodb://", // Only Use This If The Database Is Set To Mongoose
extra: {
extraLogging: false, // This will enable extraLogging {Debugging}
extraProtection: true, // Leave Enabled Unless Using Small Amount Of RAM
proxyTrust: false, // Enable this if your behind a proxy, Heroku.
// Attach to client
client.voteManager = voteClient;
With Eris
const Eris = require("eris");
var bot = new Eris("BOT_TOKEN");
// Replace BOT_TOKEN with your bot account's token
bot.on("ready", () => {
// When the bot is ready
console.log("Ready!"); // Log "Ready!"
const { WebhooksManager } = require("blwebhooks");
const voteClient = new WebhooksManager(bot, 80, {
database: "none", // mongoose or sqlite3
protocol: "eris", // Define the discord client
string: "mongodb://", // Only Use This If The Database Is Set To Mongoose
extra: {
extraLogging: false, // This will enable extraLogging {Debugging}
extraProtection: true, // Leave Enabled Unless Using Small Amount Of RAM
proxyTrust: false, // Enable this if your behind a proxy, Heroku.
// Attach to client
bot.voteManager = voteClient;
bot.connect(); // Get the bot to connect to Discord
Vote Storage
// Set the vote storage in the voteClient
const voteClient = new WebhooksManager(client, 80, {
database: "mongoose", // mongoose or sqlite
string: "mongooseDB-URL",
extra: {
extraLogging: false,
extraProtection: true,
proxyTrust: false,
For usage on pulling data see the Database Vote Section.
Extended Security
// You can enable this via the voteClient
const voteClient = new WebhooksManager(client, 80, {
database: "mongoose",
string: "mongooseDB-URL",
extra: {
extraLogging: false,
extraProtection: true, // Enable this here
proxyTrust: false,
Proxy Trust
// Enable this in the voteClient
const voteClient = new WebhooksManager(client, 80, {
database: "mongoose",
string: "mongooseDB-URL",
extra: {
extraLogging: false,
extraProtection: true,
proxyTrust: true, // Enable it here
Test Events
// Emit a test event to test your Voted Event
voteClient.testVote(userID, botID);
Vote Hooks
TopGG Vote Hooks:
// This will listen to votes from, the url is the end not
// including the / and auth is the webhook auth. You can enable and
// disable using true or false at the end
client.voteManager.topggVoteHook(url, auth, true);
// This code will run after a new vote was received from
client.on("topgg-voted", async function (userID, botID, type) {
InfinityBotList Vote Hooks:
// This will listen to votes from InfinityBotList, the url is the end not
// including the / and auth is the webhook auth. You can enable and
// disable using true or false at the end
client.voteManager.IBLVoteHook(url, auth, true);
// This code will run after a new vote was received from InfinityBotList
client.on("IBL-voted", async function (userID, botID, type) {
VoidBots Vote Hooks:
// This will listen to votes from VoidBots, the url is the end not
// including the / and auth is the webhook auth. You can enable and
// disable using true or false at the end
client.voteManager.VoidBotsVoteHook(url, auth, true);
// This code will run after a new vote was received from VoidBots
client.on("VB-voted", async function (userID, botID) {
console.log(userID + " Voted For " + botID);
DiscordLabs Vote Hooks:
// This will listen to votes from DiscordLabs, the url is the end not
// including the / and auth is the webhook auth. You can enable and
// disable using true or false at the end
client.voteManager.DiscordLabsVoteHook(url, auth, true);
// This code will run after a new vote was received from DiscordLabs
client.on("DL-voted", async function (userID, botID, wasTest) {
console.log(`${userID} Voted For ${botID}. Was Test: ${wasTest}`);
Botrix Vote Hooks:
// This will listen to votes from Botrix, the url is the end not
// including the / and auth is the webhook auth. You can enable and
// disable using true or false at the end
client.voteManager.BotrixVoteHook(url, auth, true);
// This code will run after a new vote was received from Botrix
client.on("BTR-voted", async function (userID, botID) {
console.log(`${userID} Voted For ${botID}.`);
BList Vote Hooks:
// This will listen to votes from BList, the url is the end not
// including the / and auth is the webhook auth. You can enable and
// disable using true or false at the end
client.voteManager.BListVoteHook(url, auth, true);
// This code will run after a new vote was received from BList
client.on("BLT-voted", async function (userID, botID) {
console.log(`${userID} Voted.`);
}); Vote Hooks:
// This will listen to votes from BList, the url is the end not
// including the / and auth is the webhook auth. You can enable and
// disable using true or false at the end
client.voteManager.DBCVoteHook(url, auth, true);
// This code will run after a new vote was received from BList
client.on("DBC-voted", async function (userID, botID) {
console.log(`${userID} Voted.`);
ParadiseBotList Vote Hooks:
// This will listen to votes from BList, the url is the end not
// including the / and auth is the webhook auth. You can enable and
// disable using true or false at the end
client.voteManager.PBLVoteHook(url, auth, true);
// This code will run after a new vote was received from BList
client.on("PBL-voted", async function (userID, botID, userName) {
console.log(`${userName} (${userID}) Voted For <#${botID}>`);
Global Voted Event
// This will run after any vote has been received, use this if you don't want seprate events for each list
client.on("vote", async function (userID, botID, List) {
console.log(`${userID} Voted For ${botID} on ${List}`);
Vote Expired Event
// This will run after the vote expires, this will be different for each list
client.on("vote-expired", async function (userID, botID, List) {
Error Event
// This code will run in the event of a error, normally it will just console.log the error but you can add custom error events here
client.on("webhookError", async function (error) {
Vote Database
The vote Database feature will save the total votes a User had made for your bot / server, it will add all the vote in a database and the methods below show you how to set it up and pull data.
discord.js example
// The DB can be set to either mongo, sqlite
// Only set the string if using the mongoose db
voteClient.setStroage(DB, String);
// MongooseDB Example (recommended)
voteClient.setStroage("mongoose", "mongodb://localhost/my_database");
// SQLITE Example
Pulling User Votes
voteClient.getVotes(userID, option);
- Get Daily Votesweekly
- Get Weekly Votesmonthly
- Get Monthly Votes
Our Projects
- DPost (This Is A Work In Progress, Beta Out Now!)