Vanilla date, time and range picker
A beautiful VanillaJS date or datetime picker that also supports local or UTC input.
Why ?
It is nearly impossible to find a date(time) picker that simultaneously brings:
- Only has the awesome momentjs as dependency
- Local CSS styles (avoids conflicts with the surrounding application)
- Can be either an efficient Date picker or a Datetime one
- Supports UTC or local time input
- Low complexity: less than 500 SLOC.
- Is beautiful and easy to use enough (not 5 dropdowns)
Sample code
Simply require it and use it !
<div id="picker_id">
<input type="text"></input>
import bluepicker from 'bluepicker'
import 'bluepicker/dist/bundle.css' # hashed CSS classes for the picker
Almost everything is configurable.
bluepicker.init('picker_id', {
callback: null, // callback upon changes
locale: 'cn', // momentJS locale
format: 'lll', // momentJS display format
mode: 'hours', // asks the day, then the hour, that's it.
utcMode: true, // displayed and sent values will be UTC
padToBoundary: false, // pad text to minutes, hours or day boundary depending on the mode.
nowButtonText: 'Now' // gives you the possibility to customize the "Now" button text.
}, initValue)
Upon changes (either by direct modification in the input field, or a click in the picker buttons) a DOM event is fired and the callback is called, if provided.
bluepicker.init('picker_id', {callback: onPickerChange})
// or
document.addEventListener('bluepicker:update', (e) => onPickerChange(e.detail))
// fires
function onPickerChange ({id, format, value, utcMode}) {
// id is the source's datepicker ID
// format is the display format of the value
// value is the momentJS instance of the moment that just changed
// utcMode keeps track if the picker is currently in UTC mode or not.