Helper modules for parsing of blocs from json and handlebars files into html
Block Template And Parse
A collection of utilities to help with the templating side of blocking.
findTemplateAndValidateFromJson and findTemplateAndValidateFromJson
These are gulp plugins that output a file object that contains all the details required by a block for it to render an output html file using handlebars. The difference between the 2 is that one uses json files (output one example file per json) and the other uses the payout file (one example file per layout)
The is built of the following properties
- contents : the raw handlbars markup
- layout : the layout file that is wrapped around the contents
- path : the name of the html example file
- data : the date to be used when rendering the handlebars file
This is used in a standard gulp stream as follows, it takes 2 peoprties. arrays of the schema and data files.
gulp.task('ui-render-partials', function () {
return gulp.src(files.templatePages + '/**/*.json')
.pipe(wrap(function (data) {
return fs.readFileSync(files.templateLayouts + data.file.layout + '.hbs', 'utf8');
}, layoutData, {
engine: 'handlebars'
.pipe(compileHandlebars($.data, options))
.pipe(rename(function (path) {
path.dirname = path.dirname.replace('data', '');
path.extname = ".html";
The above is pseudo code to remonstrate how it works, it won't work from a copy and paste. Go to our example app to get a running copy.
Registers all the partials in Handlebars and returns then as an array.