A webpack loader for doing generic block-processing. You provide the delimiters and processor, block-loader will find your data and pass it through your processor.
A webpack loader for doing generic block-processing. You provide the delimiters and processor, block-loader will find your data and pass it through your processor.
npm install block-loader
Write your own block loader
var blockLoader = require('block-loader');
var options = {
start: '...',
end: '...',
preprocessors: [
function(content) { ...; return content; },
process: function(content) {
return content;
module.exports = blockLoader(options);
and end
are delimiter strings for you data block, preprocessors
is optional and takes an array of function(content)
Example: write real code in "pre" elements
Say you need to write real programming code in <pre>
elements, and you want to just write code, not hand-craft every html entity for less than or ampersand symbols just so your Webpack/React build won't bread on them.
Let's just write a quick and easy loader that'll fix those things for us:
var blockLoader = require("./block-loader");
var options = {
start: "<pre>",
end: "</pre>",
process: function fixPreBlocks(pre) {
var replaced = pre
.replace(options.start,'') // first, remove the start/end delimiters, then:
.replace(options.end,'') //
.replace(/&/g,'&') // 1. use html entity equivalent,
.replace(/</g,'<') // 2. use html entity equivalent,
.replace(/>/g,'>') // 3. use html entity equivalent,
.replace(/([{}])/g,"{'$1'}") // 4. JSX-safify curly braces,
.replace(/\n/g,"{'\\n'}"); // 5. and preserve line endings, thanks.
// done! return with the delimiters put back in place
return options.start + replaced + options.end
module.exports = blockLoader(options);
And done. Save this as something like ./lib/pre-loader.js
and then we can use this with webpack by adding it to webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
entry: ...,
output: ...,
module: {
loaders: [
test: /.jsx?$/,
loaders: [
__dirname + '/lib/pre-loader'
Remember that webpack loaders run LIFO, so the ones that need to kick in first need to be declared last in the array of loaders.