A terminal tool to :3
The blew Command line Tool.
######:construction: Warning: DO NOT use in production. The project still under development, we hope to release a stable version soon.
What ?
Well, blew is a developers tool to share codes, and pastes, and blew-cli is the Command line tool helper to make easy to spread your snippets.
:rocket: Getting Started
First of all, access, sign-up, and get your CLI Access Key¹²
- ¹ - You can find you Key at CLI Page
- ² - Do NOT share your Access Key, it's our way to authenticate you!
:electric_plug: Installing
We believe that you already installed [node], and [npm], so just:
$ sudo npm install blew -g
PS: This may take a while, depending on your computer and your network.
:lock: Authentication
After installing our npm package, you need to copy your access key from our website, and run the command below:
$ blew auth -k YOUR_KEY
If everything works fine, you should expect something like this:
$ YOUR_NAME, thanks for use blew, your terminal is ready for use!
Otherwise open an issue here with the problem, maybe a print or log.
:fire: Usage
Now you're ready to go, so see below some usage examples:
Default usage:
$ blew new <file> <options>
Options grid
| Option | Description | Example | | :-------------------------|:-----------------------------|:-------------------------------------------| | -f / --file ¹ | File path/name | main.c or ../../core/ | | -n / --name ² | Name for the paste | My_Paste, "My Code..." | | -l / --language | Language | JavaScript, JS, C, C++ ... | | -p / --private³ | Is it Private? | Put -p only if it is private | | -e / --expires | How long sould be available? | 1d (one day), 1m (one month), null (never) |
- ¹: Required Field;
- ²: If not fill, will have the same value as the file name;
- ³: No need to fill up true/false, if there's a -p will be private; The default value is false;
:bar_chart: Badges
:octocat: Want to help ?
So you're a kickass developer?
Checkout our issues and help us out.
:clap: We Use / Thanks to
- Commander.js - Command line tool creator for node;