Blazedpath RDS Synchronizer
Renamed from blzshared-rds-sync.
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This project requires the electron-rebuild library in order to rebuild the oracledb add-on.
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npm install blazedpath-rds-sync
This is a data synchronization module to keep in sync the solution model with database schema that supports the following features:
- Use of plain SQL scripts
- Multiple blazedpath compliant databases support
- Destructive changes indicator to guaranteed preservation of data
To manage schema changes, what you need to do, would be the following:
- Have a Relational Database System configured in your blazedpath solution
- Verify if the proper Connection Data are setted using the checkConnection() method
- Get snapshots diff and synchronize data models using the operation methods
boolean checkConnection(ConnectionData connection)
Allows to verify a Relational Database connection configuration. Tests connection and authentication. If it returns an error, then something is not correct, otherwise the server is ready to accept operations.
The connection
is a Relational Database connection.
DbRules getDbRules(ConnectionData connection)
Gets information about SQL data types supported from a specific blazedpath compliant database provider for mapping to, or from, the actual database data type.
The connection
is a Relational Database connection.
See DbRules for more details.
RdsObjects getConnectionObjects(ConnectionData connection)
Provides information about tables, views and procedures of a specific database to use for introspection actions.
The connection
is a Relational Database connection.
See RdsObjects and Database Introspection for more details.
Snapshot getConnectionSnapshot(ConnectionData connection, Options options)
Gets a snapshot of the whole database schema information of a specific database at a given time.
The connection
is a Relational Database connection.
The options
is an object which can be passed to adjust the snapshot operation.
See Options and Snapshot for more details.
Snapshot getSolutionSnapshot(ConnectionData connection, ModelTables modTables, DbRules dbRules)
Gets a snapshot of the whole data model schema information of a specific blazedpath solution at a given time.
The connection
is a Relational Database connection.
The modTables
is an object that holds the data model table definitions of a Relational Database System in a blazedpath solution.
The dbRules
is a DbRules object with SQL data types information supported by a database provider.
See ModelTables, DbRules and Snapshot for more details.
Differences getSnapshotsDifferences(Snapshot connectionSnapshot, Snapshot solutionSnapshot, DbRules dbRules, Config config)
Compares and gets the differences if two snapshots are considered not in sync.
The connectionSnapshot
is a snapshot of a database schema.
The solutionSnapshot
is a snapshot of a solution model.
The dbRules
is a DbRules object with SQL data types information supported by a database provider.
The config
is an object which can be passed to adjust the schema comparison.
See Snapshot, DbRules, Config and Differences for more details.
ScriptsStructure[] getScriptsStructure(ConnectionData connection, Differences differences)
Gets plain SQL scripts from snapshots differences to apply as schema changes to the target database.
The connection
is a Relational Database connection.
The differences
between two snapshots.
See Differences and ScriptsStructure for more details.
void applyScriptsStructure(ConnectionData connection, string[] scripts)
Executes the schema update SQL scripts against the database.
The connection
is a Relational Database connection.
The scriptsStructure
are the sentences from each ScriptsStructure to apply in a database.
Relational Databases
In order to start operating in a database, you must have configured a Relational Database System in your blazedpath solution with proper connection data setted.
Supported Providers
This synchronization module supports any database provider that blazedpath does. For now, that means:
- MySql
- MySqlx
- Oracle
- Postgres
The connection data properties are provider specific configured by the blazedpath solution and look like this one for a MySqlx provider:
let connectionData = {
'providerName': 'MySqlx',
'host': 'localhost',
'user': 'john',
'password': '1234',
'database': 'world'
See Database Providers for more details.
Model Tables
Data models of blazedpath solutions are backed by json metadata elements representing data base tables like this one:
let modelTable = {
'autoincrementalPrimaryKey': 'false',
'columns': [
'foreignKeys': [
'indexes': [
'isView': false,
'primaryKeyName': 'PRIMARY',
'sequenceName': '',
'tableName': 'city',
'uniqueKeys': []
See Database Tables for more details.
Database Synchronization
The data synchronization flow is:
- Validate the database connection by authenticating and executing a provider specific validation operation
- Create and retrieve a schema snapshot of the target database
- Create and retrieve a schema snapshot of the blazedpath solution data model
- Perform schema comparison between related snapshots
- If there is any difference create schema update SQL scripts.
- Synchronize blazedpath solution data model to the database by executing schema update SQL scripts
Note: Preservation of data in general is not guaranteed because schema changes such as the deletion of a database column can destroy data.
See Database Synchronization for more details.
Object Types
DbRules object consists of the following properties:
supportSequences (boolean)
Determine if the database support sequencesdbTypesToTypes (DbTypeToType[])
Array of mappings between the database and data model data typetypesToDbTypes (TypeToDbType[])
Array of mappings between the data model and database data type
See DbTypeToType and TypeToDbType for more details.
DbTypeToType object consists of the following properties:
dbType (RegExp)
Regular expression that describes a database typetype (string)
The name of a data model type
TypeToDbType object consists of the following properties:
type (RegExp)
Regular expression that describes a data model typedbType (string)
The name of a database type
RdsObjects object consists of the following properties:
tables (string[])
Array of database table namesviews (string[])
Array of database view namesprocedures (string[])
Array of database procedure names
Config object consists of the following properties:
includeDropTables (boolean)
If true drop table sentences are considered within schema comparison (defaults to false).includeDropSequences (boolean)
If true drop sequence sentences are considered within schema comparison (defaults to false).
Snapshot Options object consists of the following properties:
tables (string[])
Optional. Array of database table/view names to filterprocedures (string[])
Optional. Array of database procedure names to filterexcludeTable (boolean)
If true table objects are discarded from the snapshot (defaults to false).excludeView (boolean)
If true view objects are discarded from the snapshot (defaults to false).excludeProcedure (boolean)
If true procedure objects are discarded from the snapshot (defaults to false).
Snapshot object consists of the following properties:
tables (RdsTable[]|RdsView[])
Array of table/view definitionssequences (RdsSequence[])
Array of sequence definitionsprocedures (RdsProcedure[])
Array of procedure definitions
See RdsTable, RdsView, RdsSequence and RdsProcedure for more details.
tableName (string)
The name of the tablecolumns (RdsColumn[])
Array of column definitions that conform the tableprimaryKey (RdsPrimaryKey)
The primary key definitionforeignKeys (RdsForeignKey[])
Array of foreign key definitionsuniqueKeys (RdsIndex[])
Array of unique key definitionsindexes (RdsIndex[])
Array of index definitionsautoincrementalPrimaryKey (boolean)
Determine if the primaryKey has auto-incremented values
See RdsColumn, RdsPrimaryKey, RdsForeignKey and RdsIndex for more details.
columnName (string)
The name of the columndbType (string)
The data type of the columnnullable (boolean)
Determine if the column support null values
tableName (string)
The name of the viewisView (boolean)
Determine if the table is a view. True in this casecolumns (RdsColumnView[])
Array of column definitions that conform the view.
See RdsColumnView for more details.
columnName (string)
The name of the columndbType (string)
The data type of the column
primaryKeyName (string)
The name of the primary keycolumns (string[])
Array of columns that conform the key
tableName (string)
The name of the tableforeignKeyName (string)
The name of the foreign keyrelatedTableName (string)
The name of the related tablecolumns (string[])
Array of column names that conform the keyrelatedColumns (string[])
Array of related column names that conform the key
name (string)
The name of the indexcolumns (string[])
Array of columns that conform the index
sequenceName (string)
The name of the sequence
procedureName (string)
The procedure nameparameters (RdsProcedureParameter[])
Bind parameters
See RdsProcedureParameter for more details.
direction (string)
The direction of the bindname (string)
The name of the parametertype (string)
The data type to be bound
Differences object consists of the following properties:
tablesToAdd (RdsTable[])
Tables to add in the databasetablesToRemove (RdsTable[])
Tables to remove from the databasetablesToModify (RdsTableToModify[])
Tables to modify in the databasesequencesToAdd (RdsSequence[])
Sequences to add in the databasesequencesToRemove (RdsSequence[])
Sequences to remove from the database
See RdsTable, RdsTableToModify and RdsSequence for more details.
tableName (string)
The name of the tablecolumnsToAdd (RdsColumn[])
Columns to add in the tablecolumnsToRemove (RdsColumn[])
Columns to remove from the tablecolumnsToModify (RdsColumn[])
Columns to modify in the tableprimaryKeyToAdd (RdsPrimaryKey)
Primary key to add in the tableprimaryKeyToRemove (RdsPrimaryKey)
Primary key to remove from tableforeignKeysToAdd (RdsForeignKey[])
Foreign keys to add in the tableforeignKeysToRemove (RdsForeignKey[])
Foreign keys to remove from the tableuniqueKeysToAdd (RdsIndex[])
Unique keys to add in the tableuniqueKeysToRemove (RdsIndex[])
Unique keys to remove from the tableindexesToAdd (RdsIndex[])
Indexes to add in the tableindexesToRemove (RdsIndex[])
Indexes to remove from the table
See RdsColumn, RdsPrimaryKey,RdsForeignKey and RdsIndex for more details.
ScriptsStructure object consists of the following properties:
description (string)
The script descriptionsentences (string[])
SQL statements of the schema update script
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- Consolidate operations into a single point of execution
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