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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2024 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner








BL3P NodeJS module

Table of contents

    1. Introduction
      1. Installation
      1. Example code
    1. Basic functions
      1. Create an order
      1. Cancel an order
      1. Get a specific order
      1. Get the whole orderbook
      1. Live trade stream
      1. Live orderbook stream
    1. Account info & functions
      1. Get the transaction history
      1. Create a new deposit address
      1. Get the last deposit address
      1. Create a withdrawal
      1. Get account info & balance
      1. Get active orders
      1. Get the last 1000 trades after an specific trade
    1. Appendix - Error code

1 - Introduction

This document describes the usage of BL3P NodeJS module. If you don't have an API-key you can signup and create one at

1.1 - Installation

To install, navigate into your nodejs project directory and run the defined command below in your command-line:

npm install bl3p

1.2 - Example code

var bl3p = require('bl3p');
var public_key = 'YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY';
var private_key = 'YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY';

var bl3p_auth = new bl3p.Bl3pAuth(public_key, private_key);

bl3p_auth.account_info(function(error, data){

bl3p.trades(function(error, data){

bl3p.orderbook(function(error, data){

2 - Basic functions

All the methods return a data and an error array in JSON format. All methods also require a callback method. The callback method is always the last required parameter. In case of an error, an error code will be retuned. The possible error codes are listed in the appendix.

2.1 - Create an order


add_order(amount, type, price, fee_currency, amount_funds, callback)


type string

'bid', 'ask'

amount int

Amount BTC, amount LTC (*1e8)

The field described above is optional

price int

Limit price in EUR (*1e5)

The field described above is optional

amount_funds int

Maximal EUR amount to spend (*1e5)

The field described above is optional

fee_currency string

Currency the fee is accounted in. Can be: 'EUR' or 'BTC'


order_id int

The id of the order.

2.2 - Cancel an order


cancel_order(order_id, callback)


order_id int

The id of the order that you wish to cancel.


For this call there is no specific result returned other then
the result of the call which contains: 'success' or 'failed' and a optional error array.

2.3 - Get a specific order


order_info(order_id, callback)


order_id int

The id of the order that you wish to retrieve.


order_id int

Id of the order.

label string

API-key label

currency string

Currency of the order. (Is now by default 'EUR')

item string

The item that will be traded for `currency`. (Can be: 'BTC' or 'LTC')

type string

Type of order. (Can be: 'bid', 'ask')

amount amountObj

Total order amount of BTC or LTC.

The field described above is optional

price amountObj

Order limit price.

The field described above is optional

status string

Status of the order. (Can be: 'pending’, ‘open’, ‘closed’, ‘cancelled’)

date timestamp

The time the order got added.

total_amount amountObj

Total amount of the trades that got executed. (Can be: BTC or LTC).

total_spent amountObj

Total amount in EUR of the trades that got executed.

total_fee amountObj

Total fee incurred in BTC or LTC.

avg_cost amountObj

Average cost of executed trades.

The field described above is optional

trades array

Array of trades executed for the regarding order.

Each array item of 'trade' will contain:

amount amountObj

BTC or LTC amount.

currency string

Currency of the regarding trade.

date timestamp

The time of the trade execution.

item string

'BTC' or 'LTC'

price amountObj

Price of the executed trade in EUR.

trade_id int

Id of trade.

2.4 - Get the whole orderbook




There are no specific parameters required for this call.


asks array

Array of asks that are in the orderbook.

Each array item of 'asks' will contain:

amount_int int

Amount BTC, amount LTC (*1e8)

price_int int

Limit price in EUR (*1e5)

count int

Count of orders at this price.

bids array

Array of bids that are in the orderbook.

Each array item of 'bids' will contain:

amount_int int

Amount BTC, amount LTC (*1e8)

price_int int

Limit price in EUR (*1e5)

count int

Count of orders at this price.

2.5 - Live trade stream




amount_int int

Traded BTC Amount or  traded LTC amount (*1e8)

price_int int

Trade price in EUR (*1e5)

date timestamp

The time of the trade execution.

2.6 - Live orderbook stream




asks array

Array of asks that are in the orderbook.

Each array item of 'asks' will contain:

amount_int int

BTC amount or LTC amount (*1e8)

price_int int

Limit price in EUR (*1e5)

count int

Count of orders at this price.

bids array

Array of bids that are in the orderbook.

Each array item of 'bids' will contain:

amount_int int

Amount BTC, amount LTC (*1e8)

price_int int

Limit price in EUR (*1e5)

count int

Count of orders at this price.

3 - Account info & functions

3.1 - Get your transaction history


wallet_history(currency, page, date_from, date_to, type, recs_per_page, callback)


currency string

Currency of the wallet. (Can be: 'BTC', 'EUR' or 'LTC')

page int

Page number. (1 = most recent transactions)

The field described above is optional

date_from timestamp

Filter the result by an Unix-timestamp. Transactions before this date will not be returned.

The field described above is optional

date_to timestamp

Filter the result by an Unix-timestamp. Transactions after this date will not be returned.

The field described above is optional

type string

Filter the result by type. (Can be: ‘trade’, ‘fee’, ‘deposit’, ‘withdraw’)

The field described above is optional

recs_per_page int

Number of records per page.

The field described above is optional


page int

Current page number.

records int

Count of records in the result set.

max_page int

Number of last page.

transactions array

Array of transactions.

Each array item of 'transactions' will contain:

transaction_id int

Id of the transaction.

amount amountObj

BTC or LTC amount.

date timestamp

Time when the regarding transaction took place.

debit_credit string

Type of booking. (Can be: 'debit' or 'credit')

price amountObj

Price of the executed trade.

The field described above is optional

order_id int

Id of the order.

The field described above is optional

type string

Type of transaction (Can be: 'trade’, ‘fee’, ‘deposit’, ‘withdraw’)

balance amountObj

Balance of the user his account (for the regarding currency) after the transaction.

trade_id int

Id of the trade.

The field described above is optional

contra_amount amountObj

Contra amount of the trade.

The field described above is optional

fee amountObj

Fee incurred by the regarding trade

3.2 - Create a new deposit address




There are no specific parameters required for this call.


address string

Deposit address for the market leading currency

3.3 - Get the last deposit address




There are no specific parameters required for this call.


address string

Deposit address for the market leading currency

3.4 - Create a withdrawal


withdraw(type, amount, account, callback)


account string

IBAN account-id (that is available within the regarding BL3P account) or a Bitcoin address

Note: The kind of account value you need to specify depends on the 'type' parameter described below.

type string

Can be 'EUR' or 'BTC'

amount int

Satoshis or 0,00001 EUR


id int

Id of the withdrawal

3.5 - Get account info & balance




There are no specific parameters required for this call.


user_id int

Id of the user.

trade_fee float

Percentage fee for the user

wallets array

Array of wallets.

Each array item of 'wallets' will contain:

balance amountObj

Balance in this wallet

available amountObj

Available in this wallet.

3.6 Get active orders




There are no specific parameters required for this call.


orders array

Array of active orders.

Each array item of 'orders' will contain:

order_id int

Id of the order.

label string

API-key label

currency string

Currency of the order. (Is now by default 'EUR')

item string

The item that will be traded for `currency`. (Can be: 'BTC' or 'LTC')

type string

Type of order. (Can be: 'bid', 'ask')

status string

Status of the order. (Can be: 'pending’, ‘open’, ‘closed’, ‘cancelled’)

date timestamp

The time the order got added.

amount amountObj

Total order amount of BTC or LTC.

The field described above is optional

amount_funds_executed amountObj

Amount in funds that is executed.

amount_executed amountObj

Amount that is executed.

price amountObj

Order limit price.

The field described above is optional

amount_funds amountObj

Maximal EUR amount to spend (*1e5)

The field described above is optional

3.7 - Get the last 1000 trades after an specific trade


last_1000_trades(trade_id, callback)


trade_id int

Id of the trade

The field described above is optional, if this field isn't specified, this call will return the last 1000 trades.


trades array

Array of trades.

Each array item of 'trades' will contain:

trade_id int

Id of the trade.

date timestamp

The time of the trade execution.

amount_int int

Amount traded. (*1e8)

price_int int

Price of the traded item in EUR. (*1e5)

4 - Appendix - Error codes

The API can respond to invalid calls with the following error messages:


Order amount (amount_funds) smaller than the minimum.


Order amount is smaller than the minimum


Not enough money on account for this order.


Invalid field 'amount_int'.


Invalid field 'amount_funds_int'.


Invalid field 'fee_currency'.


Limitorders can't have both an 'amount' and an 'amount_funds'.


Invalid field 'price_int'.


Invalid field type (‘bid’ or ‘ask’).


The Rest-Key header misses.


User has done to much calls.


Market (temporarily) closed.


Market does (temporarily) not accepts orders.


The field 'amount' or 'amout_funds' is missing with this order.


A required field at this call is missing.


Signature-key-combination is invalid.


The Rest-Sign header misses.


User has no account for given currency (SystemServer)


The requested currency doesn't exist.


An unknown server error occured.


The requested market doesn't exist.


The order to cancel or fetch doesn't exist


Requested path and/or call doesn't exist.