Extendable FizzBuzz Library in Javascript (LOL)
Extendable FizzBuzz Library in Javascript (LOL). It provides a way for calculating the value for a specific number and affordances for finding the next number.
Function for getting the FizzBuzz value of a number
bizzFuzz = new BizzFuzz;
bizzFuzz.valueFor(3); // Returns Fizz
Function for getting the next number in the sequence (useful when incrementing by something other than the default)
bizzFuzz = new BizzFuzz;
bizzFuzz.nextAfter(10); // Returns 11 with default settings
Function for returning a boolean of whether or not there is a next number after the one supplied
bizzFuzz = new BizzFuzz;
bizzFuzz.isNextAfter(10); // Returns true
bizzFuzz.isNextAfter(100); // Returns false
BizzFuzz comes with defaults that for the conditions of the question:
Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100. But for multiples of three print "Fizz" instead of the number and for the multiples of five print "Buzz". For numbers which are multiples of both three and five print "FizzBuzz".
See Why Can't Programers.. Program?
// From lib/options.js
module.exports = options = {
// How many should be incremented with each step
add: 1,
// What BizzFuzz starts at
startsAt: 1,
// What BizzFuzz ends at
endsAt: 100,
// First number
firstNumber: 3,
// Second number
secondNumber: 5,
// Function for test for first number
firstNumberTest: function(num, firstNumber) {
return num % firstNumber === 0;
// Function for test for second number
secondNumberTest: function(num, secondNumber) {
return num % secondNumber === 0;
// What to show if only the first test succeeds
firstTestSuccess: "fizz",
// What to show if only the second test succeeds
secondTestSuccess: "buzz",
// What to show if both tests succeed
bothSuccess: "fizzbuzz",
// What to show if no tests succeed
noSuccess: function(num) {
return String(num);
BizzFuzz can be changed by giving an object to BizzFuzz to override these defaults.
// This example starts at 10, adds 10 for each step, and stops at 70
bizzFuzz = BizzFuzz({
add: 10,
startsAt: 10,
endsAt: 70
See tests for more examples.
Example FizzBuzz
Below is an example using BizzFuzz to do a FizzBuzz.
var BizzFuzz = require('bizzfuzz');
var bizzFuzz = new BizzFuzz;
// Recursive FizzBuzz function
function fizzbuzz(number) {
if (bizzFuzz.isNextAfter(number)) {
// Start the FizzBuzz