A API library for Node.JS
node-bitly - Unofficial Bitly API for nodejs
V6.x.x to V7.x.x transition - aka V3 of Bitly API to V4 - Breaking Changes
In March 2020, Bitly deprecated the v3 of their API, and switched to v4. Unfortunately, even with the changes to this package to make it compatible, there are several unavoidable breaking changes. These are summarized below:
- Endpoints no longer support bulk options (multiple hashes or URLs in a single request)
- Most importantly, this affects
- As a general rule of thumb, none of the v4 endpoints take bulk inputs
- Most importantly, this affects
- Return types have changed, for multiple endpoints
method and corresponding endpoint have been deprecated
With these changes all previous versions of this library are now full deprecated and there is only 1 version starting with v7.0.0
Here is a simple example of how you might have to update your use of node-bitly to account for the change:
// Both versions
const BitlyClient = require('bitly').BitlyClient;
const bitly = new BitlyClient('<accessToken>');
// v6.1.0
async function example(url) {
const response = await bitly.shorten(url);
console.log(`Your shortened bitlink is ${response.url}`);
// v7.x.x
async function example(url) {
const response = await bitly.shorten(url);
console.log(`Your shortened bitlink is ${}`);
Module Features
This module provides calls to the Bitly API for Nodejs.
For more information on the API request and responses visit the Bitly API docs
is programmed with TypeScript
but is compiled to JavaScript and supports node >= 10.0.0
. When you import the client you get full type information. There maybe be some gaps in the information but this will be filled in, in future releases.
To install via NPM type the following: npm install bitly
You can also install via git by cloning: git clone /path/to/bitly
This library uses the API provided by bitly and requires an OAuth token to use. To get your access token, visit OAuth Apps (under Generic Access Token)
See for format of returned objects from the API
To see the available libary APIs, you can view the API Documentation offline, or you can view the index here (the generated documentation does not work on Github).
TypeScript / ES6 Imports
import { BitlyClient } from 'bitly';
const bitly = new BitlyClient('<accessToken>', {});
async function init() {
let result;
try {
result = await bitly.shorten('');
} catch (e) {
throw e;
return result;
When the library throws an error, it should be the error object response from Bitly, but if something has gone wrong with your internet or intermediate requests, it is possible that a generic AxiosError might get returned. You can use an exported Type Guard to narrow the type:
import {BitlyClient, isBitlyErrResponse} from 'bitly';
const bitly = new BitlyClient(process.env.BITLY_API_KEY);
let data: BitlyLink;
try {
data = await bitly.shorten('');
} catch (error) {
if (isBitlyErrResponse(error)) {
// Inferred type by TS is `BitlyErrorResponse`
console.log(`Bitly error: ${error.description}`);
} else if (error.isAxiosError) {
// Infererred type is `any`, but you can cast to AxiosError safely
const axiosError = error as unknown as AxiosError;
console.log(`AxiosError:`, axiosError.toJSON());
const { BitlyClient } = require('bitly');
const bitly = new BitlyClient('<accessToken>', {});
let result;
try {
result = await bitly.shorten(uri);
} catch(e) {
throw e;
return result;
If you are not using node 8
then you can still use the library with Promise
const BitlyClient = require('bitly').BitlyClient;
const bitly = new BitlyClient('<accessToken>');
.then(function(result) {
.catch(function(error) {
You can also do raw requests to any Bitly endpoint. With this you need to pass the access token to the method
const BitlyClient = require('bitly').BitlyClient;
const bitly = new BitlyClient('<accessToken>');
try {
return await bitly.bitlyRequest('link/referrers_by_domain', {
link: '',
unit: 'hour',
timezone: 'Europe/Amsterdam'
} catch(e) {
throw e;
To run tests type npm test
The tests use replay
, which caches the responses from Bitly under the /fixtures
directory, until you edit a test's requests payload. This means you can run the test suite without having a Bitly API key, until you need to edit or add a new test.
Once you need to run tests that can't use a cached response and actually hit Bitly's API, you will need to pass your API key to the tests by having an environment variable BITLY_API_KEY
set to the value of your key.