A programmer's friendly theme. It uses Bootstrap and adds MathJax for math writing.
BitKnown is a responsive theme focused on features to make easier to write programming posts. Originally forked from Odin
- Prism Syntax Highlight (all languages supported)
- Include MathJax for math writing
- Mobile first approach
- Supports custom search (using gsce)
- Google Analytics (easily configurable by code injection in the admin area)
- Disqus comments (easily configurable by code injection in the admin area)
- Font Awesome home page Social Link Icons (easily configurable by code injection in the admin area)
- RRSSB Extraordinary Social Sharing Buttons
This theme is currently used at bitsofknowledge.
Node package
Clone the repo
Clone or download the content of this repo inside your Ghost content/themes/ folder.
# for example
$ cd /your-ghost-root-directory
$ git clone content/themes/bitknown
Restart Ghost and select bitknown theme from your Admin Area.
No need to configure Prism or RRSSB buttons.
To add Left Navigation Menu links simply add the links in your Navigation Admin Area. They may be useful for static pages (AboutMe for example) or for shortcut to your (best) post tags.
BitKnown comes with a default favicon generated with Real Favicon Generator. If you want to add your favicon you can generate your own (with Real Favicon Generator) and place downloaded files inside the assets/img/favicons BitKnown directory.
Disqus comments, Google Analytics and Font Awesome Home Page Social Link Icons are disabled by default, but they are easily configurable with Blog Header Code Injection inside your Ghost Admin Area.
// to enable Google Analytics
var ga_id = 'YOUR-UA-ID_HERE';
// to enable Disqus
var disqus_shortname = 'YOUR_DISQUS_SHORTNAME'
// to enable Social Link Icons add the social_link object
// with the pair key/value -> social_network/link
// NB: the key is used to include the right icon from Font Awesome
// (you can include any Font Awesome icon)
// Example1: default social network icons
var social_link = {
'twitter': 'twitter_url',
'linkedin': 'linkedin_url',
'github': 'github_url',
// you can add more icons
Copyright & License
Released under the MIT License.
Copyright (C) 2018 Rene Hernandez for (for BitKnown theme substantial modifications)
Copyright (c) 2016 Andrea Tarquini aka @h4ton (for Odin theme substantial portions of code)