TypeScript library for working with the Bitcoin Extended Format
Bitcoin Extend Format JavaScript Utils
Table of Contents
What is Bitcoin Extended Format?
The bitcoin transaction format is the most efficient way of sending the information that is needed for a Bitcoin node to validate
Install the Bitcoin Extended Format library into your project:
$ npm install bitcoin-ef
or, with yarn
$ yarn add bitcoin-ef
or, install as a global cli tool
$ npm install -g bitcoin-ef
Here's the getting started with the Extended Format
import { StandardToExtended, ExtendedToStandard } from '@TAAL-GmbH/bitcoin-ef';
// hex encoded standard transaction
const tx = "..."; // hex or buffer
// the missing information from the inputs, in the correct order (!)
const inputs = [
locking_script: "...", // hex or buffer
satoshis: 1234
locking_script: "...", // hex or buffer
satoshis: 5423
// The StandardToExtended function accepts both a hex string or a buffer, and will return the same format as was given
const extendTransaction = StandardToExtended(tx, inputs);
// The ExtendedToStandard function accepts both a hex string or a buffer, and will return the same format as was given
const standardTransaction = ExtendedToStandard(extendTransaction);
Usage with the BSV library
import bsv from 'bsv';
import 'bitcoin-ef/bsv';
const tx = new bsv.Transaction()
.to(toAddress, 50000)
const txBuffer = tx.toExtended();
const txHex = tx.toExtended('hex');
or if you have problems with the above:
import bsv from 'bsv';
import { BSVToExtended } from 'bitcoin-ef/bsv';
const tx = new bsv.Transaction()
.to(toAddress, 50000)
const txBuffer = BSVToExtended(tx);
const txHex = BSVToExtended(tx, 'hex');
Or using common JS:
const bsv = require('bsv')
const utxo = {
txId: '83c6307ba22838e469545db27a193934576e753ff4c0288537cece4a06ad3d87',
outputIndex: 0,
script: '76a914117af07edf84bcd40950f46a8254f7f78d85243088ac',
satoshis: 836486
const child = bsv.HDPrivateKey('xprv....')
const privateKey = child.privateKey
const toAddress = privateKey.toAddress().toString()
const tx = new bsv.Transaction()
// This is the hex of the signed transaction that does NOT contain the previous output script and satoshis.
const tx = bsv.Transaction('0100000001873dad064acece378528c0f43f756e573439197ab25d5469e43828a27b30c683000000006b483045022100ff923348df29deedf3c08fcb1bb898f7304344931ba131a03f86beae43f67af7022049fff7207c1f1ee0074de743066e4d3c5aa636d6d019187879327c9c9f6b3cbf412102e7cf3fce2bc6bf4b9e8ef59fd2e4df7f79b5fd8d84cc6b05b8cb9066fdd81575ffffffff0126c30c00000000001976a914117af07edf84bcd40950f46a8254f7f78d85243088ac00000000')
// The following code is not necessary if you have created and signed the transaction using the bsv library.
tx.inputs[0].output = {
script: bsv.Script('76a914117af07edf84bcd40950f46a8254f7f78d85243088ac'),
satoshis: 836486
On the command line
After installing the cli tool, you can use it like this:
$ bitcoin-ef --help
To convert an extended transaction to a standard transaction:
$ bitcoin-ef --to-standard <hex encoded extended transaction>
To convert a standard transaction to an extended transaction, you need to pass the missing information from the inputs, in the correct order (!):
$ bitcoin-ef --to-extended <hex encoded standard transaction> <json encoded inputs>
To automatically convert a standard transaction to an extended transaction, using the WhatsOnChain API for lookups. This is the default behaviour of the cli tool:
$ bitcoin-ef --enrich-standard <hex encoded standard transaction>
$ bitcoin-ef <hex encoded standard transaction>
How can I help?
All kinds of contributions are welcome :raised_hands:! The most basic way to show your support is to star :star2: the project, or to raise issues :speech_balloon:. You can also support this project by becoming a sponsor on GitHub :clap:
Contributors ✨
Thank you to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification.