Display a protein/nucleotide sequence
The Sequence Component
For a working example, please go to JSBin
1 Get the main JS file from npm
2 Remember to add the required JS files, i.e., the Sequence Component, jQuery, and jQuery browser plugin. Something like:
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery = $;
<script src="../js/biojs-vis-sequence.js"></script>
<script src="../js/jquery-browser-plugin.js"></script>
3 Create a div tag which holds an unique identifier.
<div id="YourOwnDivId" />
4 Create a code snippet within a script tag and create and instance of biojs-vis-sequence.
var Sequence = require("biojs-vis-sequence");
window.onload = function() {
var mySequence = new Sequence({
sequence : theSequence,
target : "YourOwnDivId",
format : 'CODATA',
id : 'P918283',
annotations: [
html: "Using color code #F0F020 ",
regions: [{start: 122, end: 135}]
html:"<br> Example of <b>HTML</b>",
regions: [
{start: 285, end: 292},
{start: 293, end: 314, color: "#2E4988"}
highlights : [
{ start:30, end:42, color:"white", background:"green", id:"spin1" },
{ start:139, end:140 },
{ start:631, end:633, color:"white", background:"blue" }
Required Parameters
- target | {string}
Identifier of the DIV tag where the component should be displayed.
- sequence | {string}
The sequence to be displayed.
Optional Parameters
- id | {string}
Sequence identifier if apply.
- format | {string}
The display format for the sequence representation. Default: "FASTA"
- highlights | {Object[]}
For highlighting multiple regions. Syntax:
// Highlight aminoacids from 'start' to 'end' of the current strand using the specified 'color' (optional) and 'background' (optional).
{ start: <startVal1>, end: <endVal1> [, id:<idVal1>] [, color: <HTMLColor>] [, background: <HTMLColor>]},
// Any others highlights
{ start: <startValN>, end: <endValN> [, id:<idValN>] [, color: <HTMLColor>] [, background: <HTMLColor>]}
-- **Example : **
highlights : [
{ start:30, end:42, color:"white", background:"green", id:"spin1" },
{ start:139, end:140 },
{ start:631, end:633, color:"white", background:"blue" }
- columns | {Object}
Options for displaying the columns. Syntax:
{ size: <numCols>, spacedEach: <numCols>}
Default: {size:40,spacedEach:10}
- selection | {Object}
Positions for the current selected region. Syntax:
{ start: <startValue>, end: <endValue>}
- annotations | {Object[]}
Set of overlapping annotations. Must be an array of objects following the syntax:
// An annotation:
{ name: <name>,
html: <message>,
color: <color_code>,
regions: [{ start: <startVal1>, end: <endVal1> color: <HTMLColor>}, ...,{ start: <startValN>, end: <endValN>, color: <HTMLColor>}]
// ...
// more annotations here
// ...
-- name is the unique name for the annotation -- html is the message (can be HTML) to be displayed in the tool tip. -- color is the default HTML color code for all the regions. -- regions array of objects defining the intervals which belongs to the annotation. -- regions[i].start is the starting character for the i-th interval. -- regions[i].end is the ending character for the i-th interval. -- regions[i].color is an optional color for the i-th interval.
- formatOptions | {Object}
Options for displaying the title. by now just affecting the CODATA format. Syntax:
formatOptions : {
formatOptions : {
- addAnnotation
Annotate a set of intervals provided in the argument.
-- **Parameters : **
{Object} annotation
The intervals belonging to the same annotation. Syntax: { name: , color: , html: , regions: [{ start: , end: }, ..., { start: , end: }] }
-- **Example : **
// Annotations using regions with different colors.
html:"<br> Example of <b>HTML</b>",
regions: [
{start: 540, end: 560},
{start: 561, end:580, color: "#FFA010"},
{start: 581, end:590, color: "red"},
{start: 690, end:710}]
- addHighlight
Highlights a region using the font color defined in {Biojs.Sequence#highlightFontColor} by default is red.
-- **Parameters : **
{Object} h
The highlight defined as follows:
-- **Example : **
// highlight the characters within the position 100 to 150, included.
mySequence.addHighlight( { "start": 100, "end": 150, "color": "white", "background": "red", "id": "aaa" } );
{int} representing the id of the highlight on the internal array. Returns -1 on failure
- clearSequence
Shows the columns indicated by the indexes array.
-- **Parameters : **
{string} showMessage Optional
Message to be showed.
{string} icon Optional
Icon to be showed a side of the message
-- **Example : **
mySequence.clearSequence("No sequence available", "../biojs/css/images/warning_icon.png");
- formatSelectorVisible
Set the visibility of the drop-down list of formats.
-- **Parameters : **
{boolean} visible
true: show; false: hide.
- hide
Hides the whole component.
- hideFormatSelector
This is similar to a {Biojs.Protein3D#formatSelectorVisible} with the 'false' argument.
-- **Example : **
// Hides the format selector.
- highlight
Highlights a region using the font color defined in {Biojs.Protein3D#highlightFontColor} by default is red.
-- **Parameters : **
{int} start
The starting character of the highlighting.
{int} end
The ending character of the highlighting.
{string} color Optional
HTML color code.
{string} background Optional
HTML color code.
{string} id Optional
Custom identifier.
{int} representing the id of the highlight on the internal array. Returns -1 on failure
- removeAllAnnotations
Removes all the current annotations.
-- **Example : **
- removeAllHighlights
Remove all the highlights of whole sequence.
-- **Example : **
- removeAnnotation
Removes an annotation by means of its name.
-- **Parameters : **
{string} name
The name of the annotation to be removed.
-- **Example : **
// Remove the UNIPROT annotation.
- removeHighlight
Remove a highlight.
-- **Parameters : **
{string} id
The id of the highlight on the internal array. This value is returned by method highlight.
-- **Example : **
// Clear the highlighted characters within the position 100 to 150, included.
- setAnnotation
Annotate a set of intervals provided in the argument.
-- **Parameters : **
{Object} annotation
The intervals belonging to the same annotation. Syntax:
{ name: , color: , html: , regions: [{ start: , end: }, ..., { start: , end: }] }
- setFormat
Changes the current displaying format of the sequence.
-- **Parameters : **
{string} format
The format for the sequence to be displayed.
-- **Example : **
// Set format to 'FASTA'.
- setNumCols
Changes the current number of columns in the displayed sequence.
-- **Parameters : **
{int} numCols
The number of columns.
-- **Example : **
// Set the number of columns to 70.
- setSelection
Set the current selection in the sequence causing the event Biojs.Sequence#onSelectionChanged
-- **Parameters : **
{int} start
The starting character of the selection.
{int} end
The ending character of the selection
-- **Example : **
// set selection from the position 100 to 150
mySequence.setSelection(100, 150);
- setSequence
Shows the columns indicated by the indexes array.
-- **Parameters : **
{string} seq
The sequence strand.
{string} identifier Optional
Sequence identifier.
-- **Example : **
- show
Shows the whole component.
- showFormatSelector
This is similar to a {Biojs.Protein3D#formatSelectorVisible} with the 'true' argument.
-- **Example : **
// Shows the format selector.
- unHighlight
Clear a highlighted region using.
-- **Parameters : **
{int} id
The id of the highlight on the internal array. This value is returned by method highlight.
- unHighlightAll
Clear the highlights of whole sequence.
- onAnnotationClicked
-- **Parameters : **
{function} actionPerformed
An function which receives an Biojs.Event object as argument.
Returned data in the Biojs.Event object:
{Object} source
The component which did triggered the event.
{string} type
The name of the event.
{string} name
The name of the selected annotation.
{int} pos
A number indicating the position of the selected amino acid.
-- **Example : **
function( objEvent ) {
alert("Clicked " + + " on position " + objEvent.pos );
- onSelectionChange
-- **Parameters : **
{function} actionPerformed
An function which receives an Biojs.Event object as argument.
Returned data in the Biojs.Event object:
{Object} source
The component which did triggered the event.
{string} type
The name of the event.
{int} start
A number indicating the start of the selection.
{int} end
A number indicating the ending of selection.
-- **Example : **
function( objEvent ) {
alert("Selection in progress: " + objEvent.start + ", " + objEvent.end );
- onSelectionChanged
-- **Parameters : **
{function} actionPerformed
An function which receives an Biojs.Event object as argument.
Returned data in the Biojs.Event object:
{Object} source
The component which did triggered the event.
{string} type
The name of the event.
{int} start
A number indicating the start of the selection.
{int} end
A number indicating the ending of selection.
-- **Example : **
function( objEvent ) {
alert("Selected: " + objEvent.start + ", " + objEvent.end );