daddy told us not to be ashamed of our utils
daddy told us not to be ashamed of our utils
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
const { Tick } = window.bhutils;
npm i billy-herrington-utils
A comprehensive collection of utility 🛠️ functions to make dungeon life easier.
Key features:
- String manipulation: Easily parse, sanitize, and convert strings.
- Time and date: Work with time and date values effortlessly.
- DOM manipulation: Interact with DOM elements like a pro.
- Networking: Make HTTP requests and handle data with ease.
- Miscellaneous: A variety of other useful functions for common tasks.
| Function | Short Explanation | Input Parameters | Example Input/Output or Usage |
| stringToWords(s)
| Splits a string into an array of words. | s: string
| stringToWords("Hello, world!")
-> ["hello", "world"]
| sanitizeStr(s)
| Sanitizes a string by removing newlines, tabs, and extra spaces. | s: string
| sanitizeStr("Hello\nWorld\t")
-> hello world
| timeToSeconds(timeStr)
| Converts a time string to seconds. | timeStr: string
| timeToSeconds("1h30m")
-> 5400
| parseIntegerOr(value, defaultValue)
| Parses a string as an integer. | value: string
, defaultValue: number
| parseIntegerOr("10", 0)
-> 10
, parseIntegerOr("abc", 0)
-> 0
| parseDataParams(str)
| Parses a string containing data parameters into an object. | str: string
| parseDataParams("param1:value1;param2:value2")
-> { param1: "value1", param2: "value2" }
| parseCSSUrl(cssUrl)
| Extracts the URL from a CSS url()
declaration. | cssUrl: string
| parseCSSUrl("url('')")
| Observer
| A class for observing elements and triggering callbacks when they intersect with the viewport. | N/A | const observer = new Observer((target) => { console.log(target); }); observer.observe(element);
| LazyImgLoader
| A class for lazy loading images. | N/A | const lazyLoader = new LazyImgLoader(); lazyLoader.lazify(element, image, imageSrc);
| circularShift(value, max, shift)
| Performs a circular shift on a number. | value: number
, max: number = 6
, shift: number = 1
| circularShift(5, 10, 2)
-> 7
| parseDom(html)
| Parses HTML into a DOM element. | html: string
| const element = parseDom("<div>Hello</div>");
| copyAttributes(target, source)
| Copies attributes from one DOM element to another. | target: HTMLElement
, source: HTMLElement
| copyAttributes(targetElement, sourceElement);
| replaceElementTag(element, tagName)
| Replaces a DOM element with a new element of a different tag. | element: HTMLElement
, tagName: string
| replaceElementTag(element, "span");
| getAllUniqueParents(elements)
| Gets all unique parent elements of a list of elements. | elements: HTMLElement[]
| const parents = getAllUniqueParents(elements);
| findNextSibling(element)
| Finds the next sibling element of a given element. | element: HTMLElement
| const nextSibling = findNextSibling(element);
| waitForElementExists(parent, selector, callback)
| Waits for an element to exist within a parent element and then calls a callback. | parent: HTMLElement
, selector: string
, callback: (element: HTMLElement) => void
| waitForElementExists(container, ".target-element", (element) => { ... });
| watchElementChildrenCount(element, callback)
| Watches for changes in the number of children of an element and calls a callback. | element: HTMLElement
, callback: (observer: MutationObserver, count: number) => void
| watchElementChildrenCount(element, (observer, count) => { ... });
| watchDomChangesWithThrottle(element, callback, throttle = 1e3, options = { childList: true, subtree: true, attributes: true })
| Watches for DOM changes within an element and calls a callback with throttling. | element: HTMLElement
, callback: (mutationList: MutationRecord[]) => void
, throttle?: number
, options?: MutationObserverInit
| watchDomChangesWithThrottle(element, (mutationList) => { ... });
| downloader(options)
| Creates a download button for a video element. | options: { button: string, append?: string, after?: string, cbBefore?: () => void }
| downloader({ button: "#download-button" });
| A constant containing a mobile user agent string. | N/A | console.log(MOBILE_UA);
| fetchWith(url, options)
| Fetches data from a URL. | url: string
, options: { html?: boolean, mobile?: boolean }
| fetchWith("", { html: true }).then((html) => { ... });
| fetchHtml(url)
| Fetches HTML from a URL. | url: string
| fetchHtml("").then((html) => { ... });
| fetchText(url)
| Fetches text from a URL. | url: string
| fetchText("").then((text) => { ... });
| objectToFormData(object)
| Converts an object to FormData. | object: object
| const formData = objectToFormData({ name: "John", age: 30 });
| listenEvents(element, events, callback)
| Adds event listeners to a DOM element. | element: HTMLElement
, events: string[]
, callback: (event: Event) => void
| listenEvents(element, ["click", "mouseover"], (event) => { ... });
| Tick(delay, startImmediate = true)
| A class for creating interval timers. | delay: number
, startImmediate?: boolean
| const tick = new Tick(1000, false); tick.start(() => { ... });
| isMob()
| Checks if the current device is a mobile device. | N/A | if (isMob()) { ... }
| computeAsyncOneAtTime(iterable)
| Executes asynchronous functions one at a time. | iterable: Iterable<() => Promise<any>>
| computeAsyncOneAtTime(asyncFunctions).then((results) => { ... });
| wait(milliseconds)
| Waits for a given number of milliseconds. | milliseconds: number
| await wait(1000);
| AsyncPool
| A class for managing asynchronous tasks with priorities. | N/A | const spool = new AsyncPool(); spool.push(() => { v: () => fetch(...), p: 1 });
| chunks(arr, n)
| Splits an array into chunks of a given size. | arr: Array<any>
, n: number
| const chunks = chunks([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 2);
-> [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]
| range(start, end)
| Creates a range of numbers from start
to end
(inclusive). | start: number
, end: number
| const numbers = range(1, 5);
-> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]