bigwheel is an unopinionated, minimalist frontend framework that manages application state
bigwheel is an unopinionated, minimalist framework which handles frontend application state. It can be used to organize your application into "sections"/pages which are brought in by routes. Animation is a first class citizen and is accounted for when managing application states. bigwheel does not conform to a specific render engine framework so a project which is based on the DOM, WebGL, Canvas2D, SVG, or even Console applications can be built using bigwheel.
Full Documentation
Note this is not a "best practice" example but simply a concise example that shows many of the features of bigwheel
. Refer to the documentation link above for best practices and other information.
var bigwheel = require('bigwheel');
var Tween = require('gsap');
// create our framework instance
var framework = bigwheel( function(done) {
// the function passed to bigwheel should return
// a setting object or alternately you can pass
// the setting object to the callback defined as
// done. This is nice if you need to do assynchronous
// loading before content should be shown
return {
// define our routes
// routes are associated to "sections"
// sections are functions or objects
// Any route can contain a routes object to specify subroutes. This example adds the '/Gallery' route and '/Gallery/:id'
routes: {
'/': Section,
'/about': Section,
'/contact': Section,
'/Gallery': {section: Section, routes: {
'/:id': {section: Section}
// this will start bigwheel and it will start resolving routes
// This is the definition for the sections which bigwheel will run
// sections can define init, resize, animateIn, animateOut, destroy functions
// these will methods will be called by bigwheel
function Section() {
var el;
return {
// the init function creates the view and initializes it
// after init finishes the view should not be visible
init: function(req, done) {
el = createEl(req);
el.onclick = function() {
// the resize function will be called imediately after init
// here you can apply "responsive" calculations on your view
resize: function(width, height) {
var fontSize = width / 500 * 30; = fontSize + 'px'; = Math.round(( height - fontSize ) * 0.5) + 'px';
// in animateIn you'll animate in your hidden content that
// was created in init
animateIn: function(req, done) {
Tween.from(el, 1, {
y: -100,
opacity: 0,
ease: Back.easeOut,
onComplete: done
// in animateOut you'll animate out your content that
// was created in init
animateOut: function(req, done) {, 0.25, {
y: 100,
opacity: 0,
ease: Back.easeIn,
onComplete: done
// in destroy you'll clean up the content which was
// created in init
destroy: function(req, done) {
// this is just a utility function created for this example to create
// an element which will be added to the dom and initialized
function createEl(req) {
var el = document.createElement('a');
el.innerHTML = 'Click to go from "' + req.route + '" to "' + getToSection(req) + '"'; = 'absolute'; = 'pointer';
return document.body.appendChild(el);
// this function acts as almost like a model for this example
// generally you'd either load your model from a server or
// have a static model object
function getToSection(req) {
return {
'/': '/about',
'/about': '/contact',
'/contact': '/'
}[ req.route ];
MIT, see for details.