Specify and materialise BigQuery models. Link models together in a dependency chain/DAG. All in TypeScript.
BigQuery Builder TS
Inspired by DBT, but exclusively for BigQuery and 100% in TypeScript. Materialises BigQuery tables from models defined in code.
npm install bigquery-builder-ts
How to use
import { BigQueryBuilder, fullRefreshModel, incrementalModel, externalModel } from 'bigquery-builder-ts'
import { BigQuery } from '@google-cloud/bigquery'
// Construct a BigQuery instance, pointing to your project.
const bigQuery = new BigQuery({ projectId: 'my-project-id' })
// Construct a Builder, which will be used to materialise our models.
const builder = new BigQueryBuilder(bigQuery, { defaultDataset: 'marts' })
// There are 3 basic types of model: Full Refresh, Incremental and External.
// Use external models when you want to reference existing tables that are defined and built elsewhere.
const clientsTable = externalModel({ dataset: 'staging', table: 'clients' })
const ordersTable = externalModel({ dataset: 'staging', table: 'orders' })
// Use incremental models when you need to optimise cost (by not processing the same data multiple times)
const clientDailyOrdersTable = incrementalModel({
name: { table: 'client_daily_orders' },
sql: ({ model, self }, incremental) => `
SELECT c.client_id, DATE(o.order_time) as order_date, SUM(o.order_total) as total
${incremental ? `WHERE DATE(o.order_time) >= SELECT(MAX(order_date))` : ''}
FROM ${model(clientsTable)} c
JOIN ${model(ordersTable)} o ON c.client_id = o.client_id
GROUP BY c.client_id, DATE(o.order_time)
// The unique key to determine whether rows are updated or inserted in the merge.
mergeKey: ['client_id', 'order_date'],
// Both incremental and full refresh models allow for partitioning and clustering:
clusterBy: ['client_id'],
timePartitioning: {
field: 'order_date',
// Use full refresh models for simplicity, where cost is not a problem.
const dailyOrdersTable = fullRefreshModel({
name: { table: 'daily_orders' },
sql: ({ model }) => `
SELECT order_date, SUM(total) as total
FROM ${model(clientDailyOrdersTable)}
GROUP BY order_date
// Building will automatically materialise tables in the correct order.
// clientDailyOrdersTable will be built first, as it's a dependency of dailyOrdersTable.
Dev Setup
asdf install
npm install
Running tests
The local tests are run against a BigQuery emulator, which can be started with Docker:
docker run -p 9050:9050 --platform linux/amd64 -it --project=local-test-project