This library provides some useful arithmetic and converting functions for JS native BigInt.
BigInt Toolkit
This library provides some useful arithmetic and converting functions for JS native BigInt.
npm i bigint-toolkit
# OR
yarn add bigint-toolkit
If you are using a bundler with ES like syntax, just import it.
import { modPow } from 'bigint-toolkit';
const r = modPow(100n, 50n, 70n);
The Math related functions also provides a BigMath
import { max, min, BigMath } from 'bigint-toolkit';
max(5n, 10n, 12n);
// Same as
BigMath.max(5n, 10n, 12n);
This library only supports bigint
, it can not mix use with number
import { max } from 'bigint-toolkit';
max(5n, 10, 12); // Error
The conversion functions are useful if you want to hash your BigInt or convert hashed hex string to numbers:
import { sha256 } from 'crypto-hash';
import { bigInt2Uint8Array, uint8Array2BigInt, uint8Array2Hex } from 'bigint-toolkit';
const hashStr: string = sha256(bigInt2Uint8Array(123456789n));
// Convert some hash result to bigint format
const hashBuffer = blake2b('This is some string', null, 256);
The conversion functions are useful if you want to hash your BigInt or convert hashed hex string to numbers:
import { sha256 } from 'crypto-hash';
import { bigInt2Uint8Array, uint8Array2BigInt, uint8Array2Hex } from 'bigint-toolkit';
const hashStr: string = sha256(bigInt2Uint8Array(123456789n));
// Convert some hash result to bigint format
const hashBuffer = blake2b('This is some string', null, 256);
Report a BUG
Simply open an issue on GitHub, any PR will be welcome and speed up the update/fixes process.
If you want to clone this project and test it, Node.js v20up may be required, since we run Jest
with ES module, the --experimental-vm-modules
mode may be more stable after Node 20.
:toolbox: Functions
- toZn
- mod
- randomBytes
- random
- phi
- abs
- negate
- isOdd
- eGcd
- modInv
- modPow
- modMultiply
- modAdd
- min
- max
- gcd
- lcm
- isUnit
- isEven
- crt
- hexPadZero
- bigintToHex
- uint8ToBigint
- uint8ToBigintWithNegative
- uint8ToHexWithNegative
- uint8ToHex
- uint8ToBuffer
- hexToBigint
- toBigint
- bigintToHexPadZero
- hexToUint8
- bigintToUint8
- bufferToUint8
:gear: toZn
Finds the smallest positive element that is congruent to a in modulo m.
| Function | Type |
| ---------- | ---------- |
| toZn
| (a: bigint, m: bigint) => bigint
:gear: mod
An alias of toZn()
| Function | Type |
| ---------- | ---------- |
| mod
| (a: bigint, m: bigint) => bigint
:gear: randomBytes
Generates cryptographically strong pseudorandom data, it will return
an Uint8Array object. This function use crypto.randomBytes()
in node.js
and window.crypto.getRandomValues()
in Web browser.
You can convert it to hex by uint8Array2Hex()
or use some base64
library to convert it to string.
| Function | Type |
| ---------- | ---------- |
| randomBytes
| (bufferSize: number) => Uint8Array
:gear: random
Generate a random bigint number between 2 numbers.
| Function | Type |
| ---------- | ---------- |
| random
| (start: bigint, end: bigint) => bigint
:gear: phi
Calculates Euler's totient function (phi function) of a BigInt 'n'.
Euler's totient function calculates the count of positive integers less than or equal to 'n' that are coprime (have greatest common divisor 1) with 'n'.
| Function | Type |
| ---------- | ---------- |
| phi
| (n: bigint) => bigint
:gear: abs
Return an absolute value of bigint.
| Function | Type |
| ---------- | ---------- |
| abs
| (num: bigint) => bigint
:gear: negate
Make a bigint negative.
| Function | Type |
| ---------- | ---------- |
| negate
| (num: bigint) => bigint
:gear: isOdd
Check a bigint is odd.
| Function | Type |
| ---------- | ---------- |
| isOdd
| (n: bigint) => boolean
:gear: eGcd
Calculates the extended greatest common divisor (eGCD) of two BigInt numbers.
This function computes the eGCD of two BigInt numbers 'a' and 'b', and returns an object containing the GCD ('gcd') and coefficients 'x' and 'y' such that 'ax + by = gcd'.
const result = eGcd(16n, 10n);
result.g === 2n;
result.x === -3n;
result.y === 5n;
| Function | Type |
| ---------- | ---------- |
| eGcd
| (a: bigint, b: bigint) => EgcdResult
:gear: modInv
Calculates the modular multiplicative inverse of a BigInt 'a' modulo 'm'.
This function computes the value 'x' such that '(a * x) % m === 1' where 'a' and 'm' are BigInt numbers.
| Function | Type |
| ---------- | ---------- |
| modInv
| (a: bigint, m: bigint) => bigint
:gear: modPow
Calculates the modular exponentiation of a BigInt 'base' to the power of a BigInt 'exponent' modulo 'm'.
This function computes the result of base^exp % m
where 'base', 'exponent', and 'm' are BigInt numbers.
| Function | Type |
| ---------- | ---------- |
| modPow
| (base: bigint, exp: bigint, m: bigint) => bigint
:gear: modMultiply
Calculates the modular multiplication of two BigInt numbers.
This function computes the result of (a * b) % m
where a
, b
, and m
are BigInt numbers.
| Function | Type |
| ---------- | ---------- |
| modMultiply
| (a: bigint, b: bigint, mod: bigint) => bigint
:gear: modAdd
Calculates the modular addition of two BigInt numbers.
This function computes the result of (a + b) % m
where a
, b
, and m
are BigInt numbers.
| Function | Type |
| ---------- | ---------- |
| modAdd
| (a: bigint, b: bigint, mod: bigint) => bigint
:gear: min
Find min from a set of bigint.
| Function | Type |
| ---------- | ---------- |
| min
| (...nums: bigint[]) => bigint
:gear: max
Find max from a set of bigint.
| Function | Type |
| ---------- | ---------- |
| max
| (...nums: bigint[]) => bigint
:gear: gcd
Calculates the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two or more BigInt numbers.
This function computes the largest positive integer that divides all the input numbers without remainder.
| Function | Type |
| ---------- | ---------- |
| gcd
| (a: bigint, b: bigint) => bigint
:gear: lcm
Calculates the least common multiple (LCM) of two or more BigInt numbers.
| Function | Type |
| ---------- | ---------- |
| lcm
| (a: bigint, b: bigint) => bigint
:gear: isUnit
Check a bigint is unit.
| Function | Type |
| ---------- | ---------- |
| isUnit
| (n: bigint) => boolean
:gear: isEven
Check a bigint is even.
| Function | Type |
| ---------- | ---------- |
| isEven
| (n: bigint) => boolean
:gear: crt
Function to implement Chinese Remainder Theorem.
| Function | Type |
| ---------- | ---------- |
| crt
| (num: bigint[], rem: bigint[]) => bigint
:gear: hexPadZero
Pad 0
to start if hex string length is odd.
| Function | Type |
| ---------- | ---------- |
| hexPadZero
| (hex: string) => string
:gear: bigintToHex
Bigint to hex conversion.
The second argument padZero = true
will pad a 0
on start if return length is odd.
| Function | Type |
| ---------- | ---------- |
| bigintToHex
| (num: bigint, padZero?: boolean) => string
:gear: uint8ToBigint
Convert Uint8Array back to bigint.
If an Uint8Array has 2's complement (Mostly converted from a negative number), set second argument as TRUE to inverse it.
| Function | Type |
| ---------- | ---------- |
| uint8ToBigint
| (bytes: Uint8Array, handleNegative?: boolean) => bigint
:gear: uint8ToBigintWithNegative
Convert Uint8Array back to bigint and inverse the 2's complement (negative).
| Function | Type |
| ---------- | ---------- |
| uint8ToBigintWithNegative
| (bytes: Uint8Array) => bigint
:gear: uint8ToHexWithNegative
Convert Uint8Array to hex and inverse the 2's complement (negative).
| Function | Type |
| ---------- | ---------- |
| uint8ToHexWithNegative
| (bytes: Uint8Array) => string
:gear: uint8ToHex
Convert Uint8Array to hex string.
If an Uint8Array has 2's complement (Mostly converted from a negative number), set second argument as TRUE to inverse it.
| Function | Type |
| ---------- | ---------- |
| uint8ToHex
| (bytes: Uint8Array, handleNegative?: boolean) => string
:gear: uint8ToBuffer
Convert Uint8Array to ArrayBufferLike.
| Function | Type |
| ---------- | ---------- |
| uint8ToBuffer
| (bytes: Uint8Array) => ArrayBufferLike
:gear: hexToBigint
Convert hex to bigint and add -
sign if origin bigint is negative.
| Function | Type |
| ---------- | ---------- |
| hexToBigint
| (hex: string) => bigint
:gear: toBigint
Convert any base of numbers to bigint.
toBigInt('75bcd15', 16)
toBigInt('111010110111100110100010101', 2)
This function will auto add negative to hex string if input value less than 0.
| Function | Type |
| ---------- | ---------- |
| toBigint
| (num: string or number | bigint, from?: number) => bigint
:gear: bigintToHexPadZero
Bigint to hex conversion and pad a 0
on start if return length is odd.
| Function | Type |
| ---------- | ---------- |
| bigintToHexPadZero
| (num: bigint) => string
:gear: hexToUint8
Convert hex string to Uint8Array.
| Function | Type |
| ---------- | ---------- |
| hexToUint8
| (hex: string) => Uint8Array
:gear: bigintToUint8
Bigint to Uint8Array conversion.
By default, this function unable to handle negative bigint, and will throw an Error. If you want to convert a negative bigint to Uint8Array, set second argument as TRUE, that this functions will try making 2's complement on the bigint to make it positive.
NOTE: If you convert a negative bigint to Uint8Array, you must use
uint8ToBigint(num, true)
to inverse the Uint8Array so you can get negative bigint back.
| Function | Type |
| ---------- | ---------- |
| bigintToUint8
| (num: bigint, handleNegative?: boolean) => Uint8Array
:gear: bufferToUint8
Convert an ArrayBufferLike
interface to Uint8Array
| Function | Type |
| ---------- | ---------- |
| bufferToUint8
| (buffer: ArrayBufferLike) => Uint8Array