This library provides an implementation of Pedersen Commitments, a cryptographic technique widely used for creating non-interactive commitments with strong security properties like homomorphic addition, subtraction, and multiplication.
Pedersen Commitment Library
This library provides an implementation of Pedersen Commitments, a cryptographic technique widely used for creating non-interactive commitments with strong security properties like homomorphic addition, subtraction, and multiplication.
- Miller-Rabin Primality Test: Ensures prime numbers are correctly identified.
- Pedersen Parameters Generation: Generates valid Pedersen parameters including prime, generator, and secondary generator.
- Homomorphic Properties: Supports operations like addition, subtraction, and multiplication of commitments.
- Secure Randomness: Utilizes Node.js crypto module to generate secure random values for blinding.
To use this library, you need to have Node.js installed. Run the following command to install the package:
npm install bigint-pedersen
Here is a simple example to demonstrate how to create a Pedersen Commitment and use its homomorphic sum property:
Creating a Commitment
import pedersen from 'bigint-pedersen';
// Generate Pedersen parameters
const parans = await pedersen.generator(2048); // 2048-bit safety
// Create a commitment for a message
const message1 = 42n;
const randomness1 = pedersen.randomBlinding();
const commitment1 = pedersen.commitment(message1, randomness1, parans);
console.log(`Commitment1: ${commitment1}`);
Homomorphic Sum of Commitments
Here is how you can sum two commitments homomorphically:
// Create a second commitment
const message2 = 58n;
const randomness2 = pedersen.randomBlinding();
const commitment2 = pedersen.commitment(message2, randomness2, parans);
console.log(`Commitment2: ${commitment2}`);
// Sum the commitments
const commitmentSum = pedersen.sum(commitment1, commitment2, parans);
console.log(`Sum of Commitments: ${commitmentSum}`);
In this example, the result commitmentSum
is a valid commitment of the sum of the original messages (message1 + message2
), demonstrating the library's homomorphic properties.
API Reference
isPrimeMillerRabin(n: bigint, k?: number): boolean
Performs the Miller-Rabin primality test onn
.generator(bits: number): Promise<PedersenParameters>
Generates Pedersen parameters including a primep
and generatorsg
.commitment(m: bigint, r: bigint, parans: PedersenParameters): bigint
Computes a Pedersen commitment for the messagem
and randomnessr
.sum(C1: bigint, C2: bigint, parans: PedersenParameters): bigint
Computes the sum of two commitmentsC1
.sub(C1: bigint, C2: bigint, parans: PedersenParameters): bigint
Computes the difference between two commitmentsC1
.multiply(C: bigint, scalar: bigint, parans: PedersenParameters): bigint
Multiplies a commitmentC
by a scalar value.
To run the tests for this project, use the following command:
npm run test
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
- Utilizes the Node.js crypto module for random value generation.
- Implementation inspired by cryptographic primitives common in privacy-preserving protocols.