BigInt-based rational number library focused on accounting
BigInt-based rational number library focused on accounting
- Stores amount as ratio of two BigInts, allowing precise calculation of arbitrarily large rational numbers
- Optimized for addition of fractions that share same denominator; little overhead on aggregating many cents (1/100)
- Supports rounding and formatting as decimal
import { q, BigAmount } from "big-amount";
let f = q("1/2") // Same as `BigAmount.create("1/2")`
.neg() // Unary `-`
.inv() // Inverse (`1 / f`)
.add(q("34.5")) // `+`
.sub(q(".67")) // `-`
.mul(q(-8n, 9n)) // `*`
.div(q(10)) // `/`
.abs() // To absolute value
.reduce(); // To irreducible form
console.log(f.toJSON()); // "1061/375"
console.log(f.toFixed(6)); // "2.829333"
let s = BigAmount.sum([
]).toFixed(2, {
groupSeparator: ",",
templates: ["${}", "$({})"],
console.log(s); // "$(7,399,325.32)"
Note that this library requires ES2020 compatibility (as does BigInt).
Instance Creation
and BigAmount.create
Use BigAmount.create or the equivalent shortcut q
to create an instance.
creates an instance representing x/1.
q(123n); // 123/1
q(123); // 123/1
q("123"); // 123/1
q("123.45"); // 12345/100
q("123.45e-6"); // 12345/100000000
q("123/45"); // 123/45
q("12.3/-4.5"); // 1230/-450
BigAmount.create(x, y)
creates an instance representing x/y.
q(123n, 45n); // 123/45
q(123, 45); // 123/45
q(123, 45n); // 123/45
q(123n, "4.5"); // 1230/45
q("1/2", "3/4"); // 4/6
q("1/2", "3.4"); // 10/68
Note that non-integral number
values have to be passed as string
q(123.45); // ERROR!
q(123 / 45); // ERROR!
Use BigAmount.fromNumber to create an instance from a non-integral number
BigAmount.fromNumber(Math.PI); // 3.14159...
Arithmetic Operations
| Methods | Operation |
| ------------ | ------------------------------- |
| neg()
| Negation (unary -
) |
| add(other)
| Addition (this + other
) |
| sub(other)
| Subtraction(this - other
) |
| mul(other)
| Multiplication (this * other
) |
| div(other)
| Division (this / other
) |
| inv()
| Inverse (1 / this
) |
| abs()
| To absolute value |
| reduce()
| To irreducible form |
needs to be called explicitly when an irreducible fraction is
necessary, because the arithmetic operations do not return the canonical form of
a resulting fraction. It is currently guaranteed that add()
and sub()
the denominator unchanged if both operands share the same denominator; in all
other cases, the returned object will have implementation-dependent numerator
and denominator.
The following methods are also available for convenience and optimization to handle accounting use cases.
| Method | Operation |
| ---------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
| batchAdd(others)
| Adds array of BigAmount values at a time |
| fixedAdd(other)
| Addition that keeps the denominator unchanged |
| fixedSub(other)
| Subtraction that keeps the denominator unchanged |
| fixedMul(other)
| Multiplication that keeps the denominator unchanged |
| fixedDiv(other)
| Division that keeps the denominator unchanged |
| quantMul(other, den)
| Multiplication that resets the denominator to den
| quantDiv(other, den)
| Division that resets the denominator to den
rounds a fraction at a decimal place like the round
functions of
Python and Excel.
q("123.456").round(2); // 12346/100
q("123.456").round(-1); // 120/1
Use quantize()
to convert a fraction to another that has the specified
q("123/4").quantize(2n); // 62/2
The rounding functions round ties to the nearest even numbers (i.e. bankers' rounding) by default. See RoundingMode for rounding mode options.
Conversion to String
generates the preferred form to seriarize a rational number.
JSON.stringify(q("12.345")); // '"12345/1000"'
Use toFixed()
to format a fraction as decimal. This method takes some
formatting options to customize the output.
let f = BigAmount.create("123456789/10");
f.toFixed(2); // "12345678.90"
f.toFixed(2, { decimalSeparator: "," }); // "12345678,90"
f.toFixed(2, { groupSeparator: "," }); // "12,345,678.90"
f.neg().toFixed(2, {
decimalSeparator: ",",
groupSeparator: " ",
templates: ["{} €"],
}); // "-12 345 678,90 €"
const opts = { templates: ["${}", "$({})", "-"] };
BigAmount.create("123.45").toFixed(2, opts); // "$123.45"
BigAmount.create("-678.9").toFixed(2, opts); // "$(678.90)"
BigAmount.create("0").toFixed(2, opts); // "-"
returns a string representing a fraction in exponential
q("12345.678").toExponential(6); // "1.234568e+4"
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.