Extended asynchronous execution controller with composer syntax
Bhiv is a utility module which provide a complete syntax to build an asynchronous workflow.
It provides also some basic features like EventEmitter, Object manipulation, or basic functions patterns.
It works on any side
<!-- This is not a CDN so don't use it in production -->
<script src=""></script>
npm install --save bhiv
Browser Multi Fetching Exemple
// Assuming jQuery & Bhiv loaded
var fetchAllJsonpUrl = (function () {
var priv = { jQuery: {}, console: {} };
var bhiv = new Bhiv(priv);
priv.console.log = function (data) { console.log('Requesting:',, data.url); };
priv.jQuery.request = function (data, callback) {
var success = function (data) { return callback(null, data); };
jQuery.ajax({ url: data.url, dataType: 'jsonp', success: success, error: callback });
return new bhiv.Bee()
// iterating on the direct flow, key is named index, value named url
.Map('.', 'name', 'url')
// the following is synchronous, that's why '=' character
. then('= console.log')
// requesting and storing the result into the content field
. then('jQuery.request', null, { url: '${url}', content: '${.}' })
// closing the loop (created by the Map keyword, limit parallel execute to 3 tasks)
.close({ max: 3 })
// finishing the workflow build
( { github: '', ip: '' }
, function (err, data) { console.log(err, data); }
Node Module Example
var Bhiv = require('Bhiv');
module.exports = new function () {
var priv = {};
var bhiv = new Bhiv(priv, this);
this.sayHello = new bhiv.Bee()
.pipe('= getData', null, { words: '${.}' })
.Map('words', null, 'word')
. pipe('= uppercase', '${word}')
.pipe('= join', '${words}')
(function () {
this.getData = function () {
return ['hello', 'world'];
this.uppercase = function (word, callback) {
return word.toUpperCase();
this.join = function (array) {
return array.join(' ');
See full syntax documentation into source code at Bee Builder Syntax
Some methods:
* Trap(<pattern>, <work>, <inglue>, <outglue>): do <work> if an error match <pattern>
* Map(<path>, <key>, <value>): iter on <path> and do work for each elements
* -> replace the old list value by result
* Go(<work>, <inglue>, <outglue>): create a une parallel waterfall
* close(<properties>): close task, and set properties
* emit(<event>, <data>): to emit an event (maybe catched by a bucket)
* add(<glue>): allow you to add some thing in the flow
* flatten(): flatten an inherited data structure
* pipe(<work>, <inglue>, <outglue>): execute a task after the previous one if any
* -> replace the result
* then(<work>, <inglue>, <outglue>): execute a task after the previous one if any
* -> merge the result
* waterfall(<tasks>): do all tasks sequencially, with data replacing the previous one
* bucket(<event>, <outglue>, <end>): retrieve data for an <event> even until the <end> event
* extract(<glue>): extract <glue> pattern from data and keep only it
* keep(<fields>): keep only field list
* end(<data>, <callback>): execute the bee or wrap either the <data> or the <callback>