New concept to directly upload files from server to Google Drive. It will give you a proxy and will automatically download files to server, after which you can easily upload it Google Drive or download it to your PC.
eMbeta Cloud
New concept to directly upload files from server to Google Drive. It will give you a proxy and will automatically download files to server, after which you can easily upload it Google Drive or download it to your PC.
Somebody is requested to upload it to a high-speed server so that it's made open to all.
- Single Page UI (made with semantic-ui and angularJS)
- Responsive UI
- Realtime information update
- Support for torrents
- Can upload complete folders to Google Drive with click of a button
- Zip and download torrents
- Zip and upload torrents to Drive
First clone the repo and install dependencies:
npm install
You have to make a google developers project and set the following environment variables:
- GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URL (it should be <server address>/oauthCallback by default)
Ensure that you request full google drive access permission and basic G+ info in your google project
To start server, run:
npm start
eMbeta Cloud is debug compatible, to get debug info set environment variable DEBUG=eMCloud:*
and start server.
Upcoming Features
- Incognito mode
How to contribute
- Find bugs and report them
- Suggest new features
- Fix bugs