Soil quality API covering Germany with data from BGR
BGR Soil Information
The Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) provides information on soil quality, types and other factors significant for agricultural use in Germany. As the information is solely available as a mapping service, this repo is aimed at providing a Node-JS client API to the information available.
Node.js / module bundlers
npm install bgr-apis
Download the minified file, and include it in a script tag. This will expose a global variable named bgr
This module requires the global variable turf
exported from @turf/turf
to be available, as well as browser support for the fetch API.
<script src=""></script>
<script src="bgr.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
type: 'Point',
coordinates: [6.9977272,50.778018]
}, 32)
.then(res => {
// res = 72
.catch(err => {
Returns the soil quality rating (float) at a given point (see Mueller et al. (2007) for infomation on the SQR method).
can either be a GeoJSON point, an array of the form [lng, lat]
or a GeoJSON feature (e.g. a plot). When a plot (GeoJSON feature) is entered, the centroid of the plot is used.
Optional parameterslayer
You can specify another layer if you need information other than the soil quality index (defaults to 32)
| Layer | Description (German) | |:------|:----------------------------------------------| | 32 | Soil Quality Index (default) | | 31 | Bewertung der Bodenarten | | 29 | Bewertung des Humusvorrats | | 27 | Bewertung der Bodenstruktur | | 25 | Bewertung der Packungsdichte | | 23 | Bewertung der effektiven Durchwurzelungstiefe | | 21 | Bewertung des Bodenwasserdargebots | | 19 | Bewertung des mittleren Grundwassertiefstands | | 17 | Bewertung der Hangneigung | | 15 | Bewertung der standörtlichen Bodengüte | | 12 | Bewertung der Versauerungsgefährdung | | 10 | Bewertung der Gründigkeit | | 8 | Bewertung der Trockenheitsgefährdung | | 6 | Bewertung des Steingehaltes im Wurzelraum | | 4 | Ertragslimitierende Faktoren | | 2 | Gefährdungsindikatorwerte |
type: 'Point',
coordinates: [6.9977272,50.778018]
.then(res => {
// res = 'Lehmsande (ls)'
.catch(err => {
// handle errors
Returns the soil type (string, UTF-8, german) at a given point.
Possible categories are:
| Soil Types | |:------------------| | Reinsande (ss) | | Lehmsande (ls) | | Schluffsande (us) | | Sandlehme (sl) | | Normallehme (ll) | | Tonlehme (tl) | | Lehmschluffe (lu) | | Tonschluffe (tu) | | Schlufftone (ut) | | Moore (mo) | | Watt | | Siedlung | | Abbauflächen | | Gewässer |
can either be a GeoJSON point, an array of the form [lng, lat]
or a GeoJSON feature (e.g. a plot). When a plot (GeoJSON feature) is entered, the centroid of the plot is used.
type: 'Point',
coordinates: [8.350689,52.087511]
.then(res => {
// res = '2 - <3%'
.catch(err => {
// handle errors
Return the humus content (string, UTF-8, german) for a given point. Possible categories are:
| Humus content | |:----------------| | 1 - <2% | | 2 - <3% | | 3 - <4% | | 4 - <6% | | 6 - <8% | | 8 - <11,5% | | 11,5 - <15% | | 15 - <30% | | ≥30% | | Wattflächen | | Gewässerflächen | | Siedlungen | | Abbauflächen | | nicht bestimmt |
can either be a GeoJSON point, an array of the form [lng, lat]
or a GeoJSON feature (e.g. a plot). When a plot (GeoJSON feature) is entered, the centroid of the plot is used.
Contribution is highly appreciated 👍!
Please open an issue in case of questions / bug reports or a pull request if you implemented a new feature / bug fix.
In the latter case, please make sure to run npm test
(and adapt test/test.js
to your changes) and / or update the README
MIT @Christoph Pahmeyer
This software is crafted with :heart: at the University of Bonn - EMAS Group