Vite React Typescript context for a BFF
This npm package facilitates authentication between ReactJS client and IdentityServer via Asp.Net Core based BFF (Backend For Frontend).
This package provides an abstraction as React Context and provides a context hook to access the claims anywhere provided a component root consumes the AuthProvider context.
WARNING: This package is built for a custom app. It will NOT work in other scenarios.
- Sample code where context is provided to the App
const bffProps: Bff = {
sitePathName: "import.meta.env.VITE_BFF_BASE_PATH",
bffLoginEndpoint: `/bff/login?returnUrl=${import.meta.env.VITE_RETURN_URL}`,
bffUserEndpoint: "/bff/user",
bffMeuEndpoint: null,
ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById("root") as HTMLElement).render(
<AuthProvider bff={bffProps}>
<App />
How it works?
- As we've SSO (Single sign in), assuming, the users are logged in most of the time, the library sends a fetch request to get user info (/bff/user).
- If user is already logged in, gets user info else redirects to the identity provider url.
- STS redirects to the app based on redirectUrl after successful authentication.
- Client sends once again request to the user endpoint and successfully receives user claims.
- Now, it let React to render the application.
Publish to npm
- Build the library
npm run build
- Publish to npm
npm publish
- must have a account in the npm
Link to the npm