Serverless function engine for NodeJS on top of ExpressJS and Socket.IO.
Serverless function engine for NodeJS on top of ExpressJS and Socket.IO.
Get Started Manually
When you use BFast::Cloud::Function you use this component automatically but if you want to use it manually for your project here is the step to follow.
1. Install required dependencies using npm
- bfast functions
john@pc:~/Desktop/my-workspace$ npm install bfastfunction --save
- bfast client
john@pc:~/Desktop/my-workspace$ npm install bfast --save
2. Create a functions folder
Create any folder in your working space
john@pc:~/Desktop/my-workspace$ mkdir functions
3. Create a functions file ( e.g example.js )
Create a file of any name in functions folder you already create from step 2 and past the following code
const bfast = require('bfast');
module.exports.myHelloFunction = bfast.functions().onHttpRequest('/hello', (request, response)=>{
response.status(200).send('Hello, World!');
4. Start BfastFunctions engine
create index.mjs file in your root workspace and start the Faas server like the following
const {start} = require('bfastfunction');
port: '3000',
functionsConfig: {
functionsDirPath: './functions',
then to start listening run ~$ node index.mjs
See full BfastFunctions option
bfast.json file is a JSON file contain configurations of for bfast functions engine. Its example is;
"ignore": ["**/node_modules/**"]