Calculate control points of a quadratic/cubic bezier curve from points that the curve passes through
Bezier Control Points
Calculate control points of a bezier curve, given start and end points and one or two middle points that the curve passes through
Get points for quadratic bezier curve
import { calcCtrlPoints } from "./bezierCtrlPoint.js";
var pointsToPassThrough = [
[0, 0],
var pointsThatDefineBezier = calcCtrlPoints(pointsToPassThrough)
// console.log(pointsThatDefineBezier)
// => [[0, 0], [3, 2.5], [2, 3]]
Get points for cubic bezier curve
import { calcCtrlPoints } from "./bezierCtrlPoint.js";
pointsToPassThrough = [
[0, 0],
pointsThatDefineBezier = calcCtrlPoints(pointsToPassThrough)
// console.log(pointsThatDefineBezier)
// => [[0, 0], [1.3333333333333333, 3.8333333333333326], [1.166666666666667, 0.16666666666666696], [4, 7]]
Modify curvature
import { calcCtrlPoints } from "./bezierCtrlPoint.js";
// set second and third parameters to modify curvature
var quadraticCurveCtrlPoints = calcCtrlPoints(
[[1, 123], [-12, 123214], [123431, 54]], // points that a curve passes through
0.4 // parameter t to modify curvatrue : (0 <= t <= 1)
var cubicCurveCtrlPoints = calcCtrlPoints(
[[1, 123], [-12, 123214], [123431, 54], [7, 0]], // points that a curve passes through
0.2, // parameter t1 to modify curvatrue : (0 <= t1 <= 1)
0.7 // parameter t2 to modify curvatrue : (0 <= t2 <= 1)
// t parameters are optional, default value is t = 0.5, t1 = .33, t2 = .66