a project that contains many things for different things
A package that gives animes gifs of choice or that you can create yourself! It also has mathematical accounts to be solved or types of data to know
npm i beware-utils
- gif
- add
- new
- createFolder
- type
- say
- mty
- qt
- dde
- mdl
- toHex
- decimal
- cube Basic uses:
const bw = require('beware-utils')
console.log(bw.add(1, 2)) //this method is to add x number by x number
console.log(bw.qt(1, 2)) //this method is to subtract x number by x number
console.log(bw.dde(1, 2)) //this method is to divide x number by x number
console.log(bw.mty(1, 2)) //this method is to multiply x number by x number
console.log(bw.mdl(4, 1)) //These types of accounts are called leftovers, you can leftover x number by number
console.log(bw.cube(1, 2)) //returns 125 because it would be 5 x 5 x 5, basically you cubed
console.log(bw.decimal('123456789')) //return 123,456,789, you can put any number
console.log(bw.type(1)) //returns an int type
console.log(bw.type("test")) //returns a string type
console.log(bw.say('Hi this is a test')) //return the text and so on with all the data types in javascript //make a folder with a json file where you can put your custom gifs
bw.createFolder('name') //create a folder with a x name
console.log(bw.toHex('white')) //return #FFFFFF, below the readme there is a list of the colors that are available
Methods of gif:
- cry
- favorite
- dance
- kill
- punch
- kiss
- happy
- eat
- blush
- hug
- pat
- sape
- run
- think
- angry
- psycho
- others
Gifs example with discord.js:
const bw = require('beware-utils')
const Discord = require('discord.js')
if(message.content === 'Gif') {
message.channels.send(bw.gif.cry) //returns a random gif of hes category
how to use new
const bw = require('beware-utils')//you call the module do the function
//you go to the console and type node index and it will make you a folder with a file
[–] beware_content
- your_gifs.json
the file will contain this:
You will replace the GIF-URL by a direct way of the image or gif and it would look like this
to import and use that file you must put this in your index.js:
const me = require('./beware_content/your_gifs.json')
//and to use simply do this
//to use a random
const bw = require('beware-utils')
const me = require('./beware_content/your_gifs.json')
console.log(bw.ygif.ygif( you add more categories, simply change the you for the category you ade
list of colores to hex:
- aliceblue
- aqua
- antiquewhite
- aquamarine
- azure
- beige
- bisque
- black
- blanchedalmond
- blue
- blueviolet
- brown
- burlywood
- cadetblue
- chartreuse
- chocolate
- coral
- cornflowerblue
- cornsilk
- crimson
- cyan
- darkblue
- darkcyan
- darkgoldenrod
- darkgray
- darkgrey
- darkgreen
- darkkhaki
- darkmagenta
- darkolivegreen
- darkorange
- darkorchid
- darkred
- darksalmon
- darkseagreen
- darkslateblue
- darkslategray
- darkslategrey
- darkturquoise
- darkviolet
- deeppink
- deepskyblue
- dimgray
- dimgrey
- dodgerblue
- firebrick
- floralwhit
- forestgreen
- fuchsia
- gainsboro
- ghostwhite
- gold
- goldenrod
- gray
- grey
- green
- greenyellow
- honeydew
- hotpink
- indianred
- indigo
- ivory
- khaki
- lavender
- lavenderblush
- lawngreen
- lemonchiffon
- lightblue
- lightcoral
- lightcyan
- lightgoldenrodyellow
- lightgray
- lightgrey
- lightgreen
- lightpink
- lightsalmon
- lightseagreen
- lightskyblue
- lightslategray
- lightslategrey
- lightsteelblue
- lightyellow
- lime
- limegreen
- linen
- magenta
- maroon
- mediumaquamarine
- mediumblue
- mediumorchid
- mediumpurple
- mediumseagreen
- mediumslateblue
- mediumspringgreen
- mediumturquoise
- mediumvioletred
- midnightblue
- mintcream
- mistyrose
- moccasin
- navajowhite
- navy
- oldlace
- olive
- olivedrab
- orange
- orangered
- orchid
- palegoldenrod
- palegreen
- paleturquoise
- palevioletred
- papayawhip
- peachpuff
- peru
- pink
- plum
- powderblue
- purple
- rebeccapurple
- red
- rosybrown
- royalblue
- saddlebrown
- salmon
- sandybrown
- seagreen
- seashell
- sienna
- silver
- skyblue
- slateblue
- slategray
- slategrey
- snow
- springgreen
- steelblue
- tan
- teal
- thistle
- tomato
- turquoise
- violet
- wheat
- white
- whitesmoke
- yellow
- yellowgreen