A collection of functions that can be easily applied to better-sqlite3 database instances
This module is a collection of functions that can be added to your sqlite3 database instance. The aim is to provide common database functionality that will speed up development of features commonly found a database.
A number of functions will be added to your sqlite3 instance. Those functions are as follows:
Generates a hash value based on the provided string input
- data (Required): A string representing the value to be hashed
- algorithm (Default: sha256): The hashing algorithim to use
- encoding (Default: hex): The encoding to be used when generating the output
import Database from 'better-sqlite3';
import bs3plus from 'better-sqlite3-plus';
const db = new Database('test.db');
const { hash } = db
.prepare(`select genHash(?, ?, ?) as hash`)
.get('string to hash', 'sha256', 'hex');
const { hash } = db.prepare(`select genHash(?, ?) as hash`).get('string to hash', 'sha256');
const { hash } = db.prepare(`select genHash(?) as hash`).get('string to hash');
Generates a password hash value based on the provided inputs
- password (Required): The password that will be used to generate the hash
- salt (Required): The salt value used to enhance the security of the password
- keyLength (Default: 32): The length of the generated hash value
- iterations (Default: 500): Number of iterations to use when generating the hash
- algorithm (Default: sha512): The algorithm to use when generating the has value
- encoding (Default: hex): The encoding to be used when generating the output
import Database from 'better-sqlite3';
import bs3plus from 'better-sqlite3-plus';
const db = new Database('test.db');
const { hash } = db
.prepare(`select genPasswordHash(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) as hash`)
.get('password1!', 'randomSaltValue', 32, 500, 'sha512', 'hex');
const { hash } = db
.prepare(`select genPasswordHash(?, ?, ?, ?, ?) as hash`)
.get('password1!', 'randomSaltValue', 32, 500, 'sha512');
const { hash } = db
.prepare(`select genPasswordHash(?, ?, ?, ?) as hash`)
.get('password1!', 'randomSaltValue', 32, 500);
const { hash } = db
.prepare(`select genPasswordHash(?, ?, ?) as hash`)
.get('password1!', 'randomSaltValue', 32);
const { hash } = db
.prepare(`select genPasswordHash(?, ?) as hash`)
.get('password1!', 'randomSaltValue');
Generates a salt value based on the provided inputs
- size (Default: 32): The size of the salt value in bytes
- encoding (Default: hex): The encoding to be used when generating the output
import Database from 'better-sqlite3';
import bs3plus from 'better-sqlite3-plus';
const db = new Database('test.db');
const { salt } = db.prepare(`select genSalt(?, ?) as salt`).get(32, 'hex');
const { salt } = db.prepare(`select genSalt(?) as salt`).get(32);
const { salt } = db.prepare(`select genSalt() as salt`).get();
When adding the crypto functions module to your sqlite3 instance, a number of statements and statement generators are also returned for you to use at your convenience.
This function receives as input an options object and returns a sqlite3 statment based on the provided options. The options are:
- algorithm (Default: sha512): The algorithm to use when generating the has value
- encoding (Default: hex): The encoding to be used when generating the output
- iterations (Default: 500): Number of iterations to use when generating the hash
- keyLength (Default: 16): The length of the generated hash value
import Database from 'better-sqlite3';
import bs3plus from 'better-sqlite3-plus';
const db = new Database('test.db');
const cryptoHelpers = bs3plus.crypto(db);
const myPasswordHashingStatement = cryptoHelpers.createSaltAndPasswordHash({
algorithm: 'sha512',
encoding: 'hex',
iterations: 500,
keyLength: 16
const result = myPasswordHashingStatement.get({ password: 'myPassword1!' });
// {
// salt: '4ecc819ec883c5df7eac7615f80e0d23',
// hash: '23c55169ff62921a018fbbd8616621d9'
// }