A better library to create highly customizable PDFs from HTML or URL as buffer, base64 string and .pdf file.
An easy-to-use but reliable asynchronous library to create highly customizable PDFs from HTML or URL as buffer
, base64 string
and .pdf file
. Other than most npm-solutions for html-to-pdf conversion, this one leverages puppeteer
as opposed to the deprecated and unmaintained phantomJS
. It also provides far more options to configure to your liking than most similar solutions. This might be the best html-to-pdf solution on npm at this point.
npm i [-g] better-html-pdf
Available functions
Other than the main converter function, HTML2PDF exposes two more functions that allow writing pdf file content as both base64
or buffer
. Those functions are also used internally to replace the situationally unreliable puppeteer
-native file save function that is controlled through the path
Function signatures
Convert html to pdf
html2pdf(html: string, options: Object) : Promise<string | Buffer>
Convert base64 file content to PDF file
base64ToPdf(base64: string, file: string) : void
Convert file content buffer to PDF file
bufferToPdf(buffer: Buffer, file: string) : void
Using HTML2PDF is quick and simple: Import the html2pdf
function and pass it the html and options.
const { html2pdf, base64ToPdf, bufferToPdf } = require('better-html-pdf');
// convert html to PDF
const fileContentB64 = await html2pdf('<h1>Test</h1>', { avoidTableRowBreak: true, marginTop: 10, repeatTableHeader: false });
const fileContentBuffer = await html2pdf('<h1>Test</h1>', { fileType: 'buffer', url: '', viewPort: '1000x700' });
//convert output to pdf file
base64ToPdf(fileContentB64, './test1.pdf');
bufferToPdf(fileContentBuffer, './test2.pdf');
Full type declarations are included so ES6 imports are available, too.
import { html2pdf } from 'better-html-pdf';
// convert html to PDF
const fileContentB64 = await html2pdf('<h1>Test</h1>', { avoidTableRowBreak: true, marginTop: 10, repeatTableHeader: false });
This solution provides a great number of options to configure for your conversion, passed as a javascript object. Find a detailed doc of all options and defaults here: Options Documentation.
fileType: 'base64', // 'base64' | 'buffer'
url: '', //if specified ignores html
viewPort: '1920x1080', //string (width)x(height)
timeout: 5000, //timeout for page loading in ms
landscape: false,
format: '', //letter | legal | tabloid | ledger | a0 | a1 | a2 | a3 | a4 | a5 | a6
repeatTableHeader: true, //repeat html table headers on each page - note: headers only repeat when in <thead>
repeatTableFooter: true, //repeat html table footers on each page - note: footers only repeat when in <tfoot>
displayHeaderFooter: true,
headerTemplate: '',
footerTemplate: '',
width: '1920', //document size in pixels or with units (in, mm, cm)
height: '1080', //document size in pixels or with units (in, mm, cm)
marginTop: 0, //num in pixels or with units (in, mm, cm)
marginBottom: 0, //num in pixels or with units (in, mm, cm)
marginLeft: 0, //num in pixels or with units (in, mm, cm)
marginRight: 0, //num in pixels or with units (in, mm, cm)
breakImages: false, //break images between pages
avoidTableRowBreak: true, //tries avoiding breaking table rows between pages
avoidDivBreak: false, //tries to avoid breaking divs between pages - can cause unwanted behavior
omitBackground: false, //hide html background, allows for transparency
pageRanges: '', //'1-12' | '3-5'
path: '', //file save path, if empty no file is created
disableJavascript: false, //disable javascript on the target site/html
preferCSSPageSize: false, //css-declared page size takes precedent over format, width and height
printBackground: true, //apply background styling
trueColors: true, //use unaltered colors
scale: 1, //render scale, must be between 0.1 and 2
screenMedia: false //use 'screen' instead of 'print' CSS media
HTML2PDF depends on puppeteer