Simple BEM prefixing of CSS classes
Simple package to facilitate BEM CSS class naming in JS with less verbosity.
takes a block string as its first argument which will prefix
all modifier and element classes supplied within the second argument.
Non-modifier/element classes remain unaffected.
// Supply a string and all modifiers will be applied to the block.
bemify('block', '--modifier-a --modifier-b');
// returns 'block block--modifier-a block--modifier-b'
// Supply a string with an element in it and all modifiers
// will be applied to the element. Note that you can only
// supply one element at a time; an element can't be two
// elements at once. Whoa.
bemify('block', '__element --modifier-a --modifier-b');
// returns 'block__element block__element--modifier-a block__element--modifier-b'
// Supply an array of classes and all the truthy ones
// will be applied to the block.
bemify('block', [
// returns 'block block--modifier-a block--modifier-b'
// Supply an object whose values indicate whether or not
// the class should be applied.
bemify('block', {
'--modifier-a': true,
'--modifier-b': false,
'--modifier-c': true,
'some-utility': true,
'some-other-utility': false,
// returns 'block block--modifier-a block--modifier-c some-utility'
// `bemify` is curried, allowing you to easily apply classes
// for the same block without duplication.
const bem = bemify('block');
bem('--modifier-a --modifier-b');
// returns 'block block--modifier-a block--modifier-b'
bem('__element --modifier-a --modifier-b');
// returns 'block__element block__element--modifier-a block__element--modifier-b'
Check out the tests for complete examples.