BEM class name generator for webpack css modules
BEM class names generator for Webpack CSS modules
Simple BEM class name generator for Webpack CSS modules.
Webpack generated CSS modules, that compress each css name. In production we have short css names like 'FAfaf', but in code base we have human names like 'input', 'input__label', 'input_type_text' etc.
We set up Webpack for modulality css files
loader: {
options: {
localIdentName: '[hash:base64:5]', // or may be '[local]' for dev.
modules: true
We have some css with BEM CSS naming
// form-payment.styl
display: block
color: blue
color: red
font-size: 18px
Now we can import css files inside Javascript files with short names(compressed by Webpack).
Example (without BEM generator)
Javascript component
import style from './form-payment.styl';
stylus is object like Map<realName, hashedName>
form: 'Daffg',
form__title: 'FGsgT',
form__label: 'RtHuS',
form__label_error: 'AFGHs',
export default () => {
return (
<div className={stylus.form}>
{/* We get className from imported style module*/}
<h1 className={stylus['form__title']}>Title</h1>
<label className={stylus['form__label']}>
Simple label
<label className={stylus['form__label'] + ' ' + stylus['form__label_error']}>
Label Error
If we have many elements with a lot of modifiers, then it is difficult to concat the class name.
With bem-css-modules we can simplify component code with BEM generator for imported module.
Example (with BEM generator)
import style from './form-payment.styl';
import block from 'bem-css-modules';
const b = block(style); // Create BEM Generator for current CSS module
export default () => {
return (
<div className={b()}>
<h1 className={b('title')}>Title</h1>
<label className={b('label')}>
Simple label
<label className={b('label', {error: true})}>
Label Error
import style from './input.css';
import block from 'bem-css-modules';
const b = block(style);// Create BEM Generator for current CSS module
style is object like this
input: 'HASH_INPUT',
input__field: 'HASH_INPUT_FIELD',
input__field_disabled: 'HASH_INPUT_FIELD_DISABLED',
input__field_type_text: 'HASH_INPUT_FIELD_TYPE_TEXT',
input__field_type_phone: 'HASH_INPUT_FIELD_TYPE_PHONE',
input__icon: 'HASH_INPUT_ICON',
'is-active': 'HASH_IS_ACTIVE',
'is-removed': 'HASH_IS_REMOVED',
b(); // 'HASH_INPUT'
b('field'); // 'HASH_INPUT_FIELD' (form BEM's input__field)
b('field', {type: 'text'}); // 'HASH_INPUT_FIELD HASH_INPUT_FIELD_TYPE_TEXT' (form BEM's 'input__field input__field_type_text')
b('field', {disabled: true}); // 'HASH_INPUT_FIELD HASH_INPUT_FIELD_DISABLED' (form BEM's 'input__field input__field_disabled')
b('icon', null, {active: true, removed: false); // 'HASH_INPUT_ICON HASH_IS_ACTIVE' (from BEM's 'input__icon is-active')
b('icon', {active: true, removed: false); // 'HASH_INPUT_ICON HASH_IS_ACTIVE' (from BEM's 'input__icon is-active')
Flow and Typescript
Flow and Typescript definitions already included.
Type: Object
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Type: String
Default: __
Type: String
Default: _
Set settings
const block = require('bem-css-modules');
throwOnError: true,
modifierDelimiter: '--'
Throw exception if mod, element or state didn't found.