The API that allows users to download csv
Date 2021/01/20
Allows User to download CSV for BeltMetrics
API Document
Getting started for developer
from \\i2l\Bamboo_Files\MMPro_Env\I2L-Staging, and rename it as .envCopy
from \\i2l\Bamboo_Files\MMPro_Env\I2L-StagingInstall all the dependencies with the command
npm ci
- Run unit test
npm test
- Download the tgz file for the appdynamics library from NAS to the root folder. Make sure that this tgz file is only for local testing, so any code lines related to this must not be committed. (eg: package.json, package-lock.json) If you want to know more for this step, please go to
For Windows OS, appdynamics-nodejs-standalone-windows-x64-v16- in \\\i2l\Bamboo_Files\AppDynamics\Agents\win
For MacOS or Linux, appdynamics-nodejs-standalone-linux-x64-v16- in \\\i2l\Bamboo_Files\AppDynamics\Agents\linux
- Install the appdynamics library from the tgz file downloaded from the earlier step.
npm install (tgz file name)
- Compile the typescript to javascript and run lint
npm run-script build
- Start the program
npm start
- Run the project in debug mode (VSC)
- npm run-script serve-debug
- press F5
- select the first option
Commit Message Format - Angular Convention
(): │ │ │ │ │ └─⫸ Summary in present tense. Not capitalized. No period at the end. │ │ │ └─⫸ Commit Scope: animations|bazel|benchpress|common|compiler|compiler-cli|core| │ elements|forms|http|language-service|localize|platform-browser| │ platform-browser-dynamic|platform-server|router|service-worker| │ upgrade|zone.js|packaging|changelog|docs-infra|migrations| │ devtools │ └─⫸ Commit Type: build|ci|docs|feat|fix|perf|refactor|test see for more details
Alternatively, you can use the module commitizen
to help you format the commit message.
- install commitizen
npm install -g commitizen
- making your repo commitizen-friendly
commitizen init cz-conventional-changelog --save-dev --save-exact
- commit your changes
Simply use
git cz
or justcz
instead ofgit commit
when committing. You can also usegit-cz
, which is an alias forcz
git add .
git cz
see for more details
Running Integration Tests
Copy the
from NAS ~/, and save it to the IntegrationTest folder and rename it as .envRepeat Steps in "Getting started for developer" if you haven't done
Run the Integration Test
npm run-script integration-test
Releasing APIdoc
- Install apidoc if you haven't
npm install -g apidoc
- Run the below command in the vs code terminal
apidoc -i ./ -o apidoc/ -f ".*\.ts$" -e node_modules/ -e apidoc/
- Open apidoc folder of your project in file explorer or finder
- Verify the correctness of the content by opening
- Copy and paste the content in the folder to the project folder in
- New version will be pushed to
at midnight
We are currently using Node LTS v16.13.0