beidou view react
Beidou view react
Beidou react view plugin, used by beidou-core
$ npm install beidou-view-react --save
Default configs
const path = require('path');
module.exports = appInfo => ({
* React view options
* @member Config#react
react: {
// React view rendering middlewares
middlewares: ['cache', 'redux', 'partial', 'render', 'beautify', 'doctype'],
// optional, beautify HTML snippet
beautify: false,
//optional, if false, clean require cache for development usage
cache: true,
//optional, true: renderToString or false: renderToStaticMarkup
internals: true,
//optional, HTML doctype
doctype: '<!DOCTYPE html>',
assetHost: '',
assetPath: '/build/',
view: {
defaultViewEngine: 'react',
defaultExtension: '.jsx',
// Isomorphic directories
root: `${path.join(appInfo.baseDir, 'app/views')},${path.join(
Use internal render component
Use internal render component Render
in View.
export default class View extends React.Component {
render() {
const { helper, Render } = this.props;
return (
<link rel="stylesheet" href={helper.asset('index.css')} />
<Render stream id="container">
<App />
The content inside <Render />
element would be dynamicly rendered and set back into the view.
| props | type | default | usage |
| :------: | :-----------------: | :-----: | :-----------------------------------------------------: |
| disable | Boolean | false
| disable server-side rendering, true
to disable |
| element | String or Component | div
| the element type of render container |
| stream | Boolean | false
| true
to use renderToNodeStream()
| app | ReactNode | null | the component should be rendered |
| children | ReactNode | null | same as app |
| [others] | any | | any other props will be passed to element
you defined |
The difference between <Render />
and getPartial()
The components returnd from getPartial()
will be rendered into string and put back to props,
You can manipulate them in View template. So the Partial rendered first, and then is the template.
<Render />
But, for the <Render />
component, it contains dynamic parts waiting to be rendered. When View template is rendered, each instance of <Render />
will generate a markup (placeholder) in template result string, View Engine replace regonizes them, gets true parts should be rendered, render and replaces the markups in sequence.
In this mode, template rendered before the dynamic parts. So we can get the first part of page at very beginning, and send it the browser to reduce TTFB.
Custom view middlewares
You can access view rendering process to meet your needs. For example, if you want to record rendering time, you need to write a time.js
to your app/view-middlewares/
directory. If you don't understand middleware please read middlewares before you digging into code.
// app/view-middlewares/time.js
* @param {Object} viewCtx - view context
* @param {String} viewCtx.filepath - rendering file path
* @param {Class} viewCtx.Component - sub class of React.Component
* @param {Object} viewCtx.props - rendering props
* @param {String} viewCtx.html - rendering html string
* @param {Object} viewCtx.config - app.config, access to all config
* @param {Object} viewCtx.options - app.config.react
* @param {Function} next - middleware next function
module.exports = async function(viewCtx, next) {
const startTime =;
await next(); // Execute other middlewares
console.log(`Rendering time: ${ - startTime}`);
Set appropriate middlewares order
// config/config.default.js
module.exports = () => ({
react: {
middlewares: [
// Recording time at begining
Start the view-middleware demo project local server, you will get something like below:
Using CDN
You may use CDN resources when your project online. First you need build your project to assets and upload to your CDN server, then custom your asset config in
// config/
module.exports = {
react: {
assetHost: '//',
assetPath: '/project/1.0.0',
In your project entry render
method, using this.props.helper.asset('main.js')
you will get //
Using render method in your controllers
// app/controller/index.js
exprots.index = async function() {
await this.ctx.render('path/to/index.jsx', {
user: 'beidou view',
React view exports render
and renderString
2 APIs, return Promise.
- ctx.render(name, locals) - render template, and assign to ctx.body
- ctx.renderString(tpl, locals) - only render template to string, will not assign to ctx.body