Behaviours framework written in JavaScript implementing Behaviour-first-design and queue-map architecture.
Modern enterprise and customer behaviours framework written in JavaScript implementing Behaviour-first design and queue-map architecture as part of BeamJS.
npm install behaviours-js
var ( BusinessController, BehaviourConstructor, ModelEntity, QueryExpression } = require("behaviours-js");
var define = require("define-js");
// 1: define data controller
var ComparisonOperators = {
EQUAL: "=",
NE: "$ne"
var ModelController = function () {
self.removeObjects = function (queryExprs, entity, callback) {
// do remove
self.addObjects = function (objsAttributes, entity, callback) {
// do add new
self.getObjects = function (queryExprs, entity, callback) {
// do select
}; = function (callback, oldSession) {
// do select
ModelController.defineEntity = function (name, attributes) {
// define entity
return entity;
ModelController.prototype.constructor = ModelController;
// 2: define data entity
var Schema = {
id: Number
var EntityConstructor = ModelController.defineEntity("entity name", Schema);
var Entity = define(function (init) {
return function (features, query, aggregate) {
init.apply(this, [{
constructor: EntityConstructor,
attributes: Schema
constructor: EntityConstructor,
attributes: Schema
entity: Entity,
entityName: "entity name"
// 3: define behaviour
var MyBehaviour = define(function (init) {
return function () {
var self = init.apply(this, arguments).self();
var goal = null;
var error = null;
self.begin("ErrorHandling", function (key, businessController, operation) {
operation.error(function (e) {
return error || e;
// validate self.inputObjects
self.begin("Query", function (key, businessController, operation) {
operation.query([new QueryExpression({
fieldName: "id",
comparisonOperator: ComparisonOperators.EQUAL,
})]).entity(new Entity({
readonly: true
})).callback(function (models, e) {
if (e) error = e;
goal = models;
}).begin("ModelObjectMapping", function (key, businessController, operation) {
operation.callback(function (output) {
output.goal = goal;
type: 1
var behaviour = new MyBehaviour({
name: "behaviour name",
type: 1, // 0: the behaviour will read data from external service
// 1: it will read data from internal db
// 2: it will write data to external service
// 3: it will write data to internal db
priority: 0,
inputObjects: {} // an object of inputs
// 3: execute the behaviour
var businessController = new BusinessController({
modelController: new ModelController(),
ModelEntity: ModelEntity,
QueryExpression: QueryExpression,
ComparisonOperators: ComparisonOperators,
operationCallback(data, operationType, operationSubtype) {
// logic to be executed on all behaviours per operation
var cancel = businessController.runBehaviour(behaviour, function (property, superProperty) {
// data mapping logic for output
}, function(output, error) {
// the output / the goal of behaviour
// call cancel() to cancel execution