This npm library will be of personal use. However, it can be useful for external developers as well. It will receive new features with time depending on my needs
npm i befree-utilities
This npm library will be of personal use. However, it can be useful for external developers as well. It will receive new features with time depending on my needs
Currency manipulation
import { currencyFormatter, stripeCurrencyFormatter } from "befree-utilities";
// Description: Formats a number directly into a localized currency string
// Input example: currencyFormatter(12345.56, "USD");
// Output example: "$1, 234.56"
console.log('Result of currency formatter:', currencyFormatter(12345.56, "USD"));
// Description: Formats a number given in the smallest currency format unit (e.g., cents) into a localized currency string
// Input example: stripeCurrencyFormatter(1234556, "USD");
// Output example: "$1, 234.56"
console.log('Result of Stripe currency formatter:', stripeCurrencyFormatter(1234556, "USD"));
Data type manipulation
import { base64toBlob } from "befree-utilities";
// Description: Converts a base64-encoded string into a binary blob and
// optionally creates a File object and a url for the blob
// Input example: const file = base64toBlob(iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAUA...); // (truncated Base64 string for brevity)
// Output example:
// console.log(file);
// {
// blob: Blob { size: 522, type: "" }, // Binary blob representation
// file: File { name: "fiename.jpg", size: 522, type: "image/jpg" }
// url: "blob:http://example/com/abc123" // Object Url for the blob
// }
const file = base64toBlob("iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAUA..."); // (truncated Base64 string for brevity)
console.log('Result of base64toBlob:', file);
Date manipulation
import { calculateTimeSincePublished, formatDateWithoutTime } from "befree-utilities";
// Description: Calculates the time elapsed since a given date and returns it as a human-readable string
// Input example: calculateTimeSincePublished("2024-11-28T10:00:00Z");
// Output example: "2 days ago"
// Description: Formats a given date into a human-readable string, showing only the date without the time
// Input example: formatDateWithoutTime("2024-11-28T10:00:00Z");
// Output example: "11/28/2024" // (for en-US locale)
Object manipulation
import { checkEmptyObject } from "befree-utilities";
// Description: Checks if an object is empty (i.e., has no own properties) and returns true if it is empty, otherwise false.
// Input example:
// checkEmptyObject({}); // Empty object
// checkEmptyObject({ key: "value" }); // Non-empty object
// Output example:
// true fo the empty object
// false for the object with properties
String manipulation
import { capitalizeWordsInArray } from "befree-utilities";
// Description: Take an array of words and returns a new array where each word is capitalized
// Input example: capitalizeWordsInArray(["hello", "world", "JAVASCRIPT", ""]);
// Output example: ["Hello", "World", "Javascript"]
console.log(capitalizeWordsInArray(["hello", "world", "JAVASCRIPT", ""]))
The befree-utilities
community can be found on GitHub Discussions where you can ask questions and voice ideas.
beFree Utilities Author
- Kevin Fonseca (@kirasiris)
Support Me
Dude, I'm broke. If you find this useful, please don't hesitate to help me maintain it!.
Hire Me
I'm available to work with you guys. If you need a developer who specializes in MongoDB, Express, ReactJS/NextJS, NodeJS, Php and MySQL, then I'm you're guy!. Reach out to me at [email protected]
You can also check my portfolio at my personal blog.
A list of co-authors that have helped improve this amazing library!