This is a Bearer token authentication module that you can use with the Express framework.
This is a Bearer token authentication module that you can use with the Express framework.
npm i bearer-token-parser
See for API reference.
Release Notes
All changes can be found here.
Quick Start
There is a sample app in "./example" to try token authentication.
- Move to the example directory.
cd example/
- Install dependencies.
npm install
- Start the app.
npm start
- You can send an authentication request with curl.
- Correct token
# HTTP Status: 200 OK curl -I -H 'Authorization: Bearer mytoken123' http://localhost:3000/auth
- Wrong token
# HTTP Status: 401 Unauthorized # WWW-Authenticate: Bearer realm="myapi", error="invalid_token", error_description="Token cannot be authenticated" curl -I -H 'Authorization: Bearer mytoken456' http://localhost:3000/auth
- Missing Authorization header
# HTTP Status: 401 Unauthorized # WWW-Authenticate: Bearer realm="myapi", error="token_required" curl -I http://localhost:3000/auth
- Authorization header but no Token
# HTTP Status: 401 Unauthorized # WWW-Authenticate: Bearer realm="myapi", error="invalid_token", error_description="Token format error" curl -I -H 'Authorization: Bearer ' http://localhost:3000/auth
- Correct token
An example of an Express framework.
BearerParser can also be used with other frameworks.import express from 'express'; import {BearerParser} from 'bearer-token-parser'; const router = express.Router();'/', async (req, res) => { // Get bearer token. const token = BearerParser.parseBearerTokenHeader(req); // Execute any process and response. res.json(true); }); // mount the router on the app. app.use('/', router)
This is an example of validation of Bearer tokens.
is a module dedicated to the Express framework.
In case of verification error, the following response is automatically returned.|HTTP status|WWW-Authenticate response header|Descritpion| |-|-|-| |401 Unauthorized|Bearer realm="Your realm name", error="token_required"|If the token locale is
and there is noAuthorization
header.or if the token localization isBody
and there is no token parameter.| |401 Unauthorized|Bearer realm="Your realm name", error="invalid_token", error_description="Token format error"|If the Bearer token is empty or incorrect astoken68
format.| |401 Unauthorized|Bearer realm="Your realm name", error="invalid_token", error_description="Token cannot be authenticated"|If the token is unregistered or invalid and cannot be authenticated.This is the case when the return value of the optional tokenCheckCallback method is FALASE.| |400 Bad Request|Bearer realm="Your realm name", error="invalid_request"|In case of request body validation error.This is the case when the return value of the optional requestParameterCheck method is FALASE.|import express from 'express'; import {BearerParser, BearerValidator} from 'bearer-token-parser'; import {body, validationResult} from 'express-validator'; const router = express.Router();'/', [ // Validation of input data by express-validator. body('email').isEmail(), body('name').isLength({min: 1, max: 20}), // Token authentication middleware initialization. BearerValidator.validation({ // // Select the Token location as header/body/query. // tokenLocation: 'query', // // If the token location is query or body, specify the parameter name of the token. // tokenParameter: 'access_token', // Realm name to be included in response headers. realm: 'myapi', tokenCheckCallback: async (token) => { // Return `TRUE` if the token is correct. // If you return `FALSE`, a `401` error will be returned by the `BearerValidator.validation` middleware. return token === '<Your Bearer token>'; }, requestParameterCheck: (req) => { // Return `TRUE` if the input data is correct using `express-validator`. // If `FALSE` is returned, a `400` error is returned by the `BearerValidator.validation` middleware. const errors = validationResult(req); return errors.isEmpty(); } }), ], async (req, res) => { // Get bearer token. const token = BearerParser.parseBearerTokenHeader(req); // Execute any process and response. res.json(true); }); // mount the router on the app. app.use('/', router)
With npm do:
npm test
Takuya Motoshima