:lipstick: adds prettier to an existing project with all bells and whistles-including husky, lint-staged
:lipstick: adds prettier to an existing project with all bells and whistles-including husky and pretty-quick. Have you ever been bothered by all the steps you need to do in a legacy codebase to get prettier all set up? Well now you don't have to.
When you are in an old codebase which needs to be pretty now, and stay pretty forever and ever execute npx be-pretty
. An output should look like this:
✔ Installing prettier husky pretty-quick
✔ Copying custom .prettierrc
✔ Adding pretty-quick pre-commit to package.json
✔ Formatting whole repo
Now you should have everything ready to just commit&push.
You may skip formatting step with a flag --skipFormatting
npm i be-pretty -g
Requires that you have npm/yarn/pnpm/bun and npx
globally available. be pretty defaults to running npm, but if there is yarn.lock
file it will use yarn
Customize .prettierrc
by default, be-pretty creates this prettier config.
"arrowParens": "always", // good for typescript/flow when you want to type your function arguments
"singleQuote": true // IMHO better readability
if you want to customize this, just run be-pretty setDefault -p="/path/to/your/defaultPrettierRc"
. You can omit the path and if there is a prettierc file in the current working directory it will be used.
be-pretty will use this as default from now on.
Format all
if you just want to reformat everything, you can call be-pretty formatAll
All Commands
be-pretty setDefault sets a .prettierrc file as your default, if ommited
will look for the .prettierrc file in CWD[aliases: d]
be-pretty formatAll formats everything excluding node_modules[aliases: f]
be-pretty run run the series of commands to make a codebase pretty
Will this work for a newly added languages as well?
Yes, the list of supported file extensions is not hardcoded anywhere-format all just invokes prettier in the current folder and let's it format all supported extensions.