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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




list BCP 47 language tags and types





list of language tags and typescript type for the BCP-47 standard.


List of language tags

import { tags } from 'bcp-language-tags/en';

// list of language tags
for(let tag of tags) {
// output:
//    {"tag": "zh-CN", "name": "Chinese (Simplified)", "nativeName": "简体中文", "primary": true},
//    {"tag": "zh-TW", "name": "Chinese (Traditional - Taiwan)", "nativeName": "繁體中文 (臺灣)"},
//    {"tag": "zh-HK", "name": "Chinese (Traditional - Hong Kong)", "nativeName": "繁體中文(香港)"},
//    {"tag": "zh-MO", "name": "Chinese (Traditional - Macau)", "nativeName": "繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese - Macau)"},
//    {"tag": "zh-SG", "name": "Chinese (Simplified - Singapore)", "nativeName": "简体中文 (Simplified Chinese - Singapore)"},      
//    {"tag": "zh-CHS", "name": "Chinese (Simplified)", "nativeName": "简体中文"},
//    {"tag": "zh-CHT", "name": "Chinese (Traditional)", "nativeName": "繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)"},
//    {"tag": "en-US", "name": "English (United States)", "nativeName": "English (United States)", "primary": true},
//    {"tag": "es-CR", "name": "Spanish (Costa Rica)", "nativeName": "Español (Costa Rica)"},
//    {"tag": "ar-EG", "name": "Arabic (Egypt)", "nativeName": "العربية (مصر)", "primary": true},
//    {"tag": "ar-SA", "name": "Arabic (Saudi Arabia)", "nativeName": "العربية (السعودية)"},
//    {"tag": "ar-DZ", "name": "Arabic (Algeria)", "nativeName": "العربية (الجزائر)"},
//    {"tag": "ar-MA", "name": "Arabic (Morocco)", "nativeName": "العربية (المغرب)"},
//    {"tag": "ar-IQ", "name": "Arabic (Iraq)", "nativeName": "العربية (العراق)"},
//    {"tag": "ar-SD", "name": "Arabic (Sudan)", "nativeName": "العربية (السودان)"},
//    .....
import { tags } from 'bcp-language-tags/zh';

for(let tag of tags) {
// output:
//    "zh-CN": {"tag": "zh-CN", "name": "简体中文", "nativeName": "简体中文", "primary": true},
//    "zh-TW": {"tag": "zh-TW", "name": "繁体中文(台湾)", "nativeName": "繁體中文 (臺灣)"}, 
//    "zh-CHS": {"tag": "zh-CHS", "name": "简体中文", "nativeName": "简体中文"},
//    "zh-CHT": {"tag": "zh-CHT", "name": "繁体中文", "nativeName": "繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)"},
//    "en-US": {"tag": "en-US", "name": "英语(美国)", "nativeName": "English (United States)", "primary": true},
//    "en-GB": {"tag": "en-GB", "name": "英语(英国)", "nativeName": "English (United Kingdom)"},
//    "en-IN": {"tag": "en-IN", "name": "英语(印度)", "nativeName": "English (India)"},
//    "en-CA": {"tag": "en-CA", "name": "英语(加拿大)", "nativeName": "English (Canada)"},  
//    "es-GT": {"tag": "es-GT", "name": "西班牙语(危地马拉)", "nativeName": "Español (Guatemala)"}, 
//    "ar-SA": {"tag": "ar-SA", "name": "阿拉伯语(沙特阿拉伯)", "nativeName": "العربية (السعودية)"},
//    "ar-DZ": {"tag": "ar-DZ", "name": "阿拉伯语(阿尔及利亚)", "nativeName": "العربية (الجزائر)"},
//    "ar-MA": {"tag": "ar-MA", "name": "阿拉伯语(摩洛哥)", "nativeName": "العربية (المغرب)"},
//    "ar-IQ": {"tag": "ar-IQ", "name": "阿拉伯语(伊拉克)", "nativeName": "العربية (العراق)"},
//    "ar-SD": {"tag": "ar-SD", "name": "阿拉伯语(苏丹)", "nativeName": "العربية (السودان)"},
//    ...

// Supoort language :
import { tags } from 'bcp-language-tags/zh'
import { tags } from 'bcp-language-tags/de'
import { tags } from 'bcp-language-tags/en';
import { tags } from 'bcp-language-tags/es';
import { tags } from 'bcp-language-tags/fr';
import { tags } from 'bcp-language-tags/it';
import { tags } from 'bcp-language-tags/jp';
import { tags } from 'bcp-language-tags/ko';
import { tags } from 'bcp-language-tags/ru';
import { tags } from 'bcp-language-tags/ar';
import { tags } from 'bcp-language-tags/pt';
import { tags } from 'bcp-language-tags/nl';

List of all language tags

import allTags  from 'bcp-language-tags';
// {
//    "zh-CN": {
//          "zh-CN": {"tag": "zh-CN", "name": "简体中文", "nativeName": "简体中文", "primary": true},
//          "zh-TW": {"tag": "zh-TW", "name": "繁体中文(台湾)", "nativeName": "繁體中文 (臺灣)"}, 
//          "zh-CHS": {"tag": "zh-CHS", "name": "简体中文", "nativeName": "简体中文"},
//          "zh-CHT": {"tag": "zh-CHT", "name": "繁体中文", "nativeName": "繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)"},
//          "en-US": {"tag": "en-US", "name": "英语(美国)", "nativeName": "English (United States)", "primary": true},
//          ....
//     },
//     "en-US": {
//          "zh-CN": {"tag": "zh-CN", "name": "Chinese (Simplified)", "nativeName": "简体中文", "primary": true},
//          "zh-TW": {"tag": "zh-TW", "name": "Chinese (Traditional - Taiwan)", "nativeName": "繁體中文 (臺灣)"},
//          "zh-HK": {"tag": "zh-HK", "name": "Chinese (Traditional - Hong Kong)", "nativeName": "繁體中文(香港)"},
//          "zh-MO": {"tag": "zh-MO", "name": "Chinese (Traditional - Macau)", "nativeName": "繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese - Macau)
//          .....
//      }
// }


import type { BCP47LanguageTag,BCP47LanguageTagName } from 'bcp-language-tags/zh';
// import type { BCP47LanguageTag } from 'bcp-language-tags/en';

// BCP47LanguageTag type

export type BCP47LanguageTagName = 
  // 简体中文 | 繁体中文(台湾) | 繁体中文(香港) | 繁体中文(澳门) | 简体中文(新加坡) | 简体中文 | 繁体中文 | 英语(美国) | 英语(英国) | 英语(加拿大)
  | "zh-CN" | "zh-TW" | "zh-HK" | "zh-MO" | "zh-SG" | "zh-CHS" | "zh-CHT" | "en-US" | "en-GB" | "en-CA"
  // 英语(澳大利亚) | 英语(印度) | 英语(南非) | 英语(新西兰) | 英语(爱尔兰) | 英语(菲律宾) | 英语(津巴布韦) | 英语(伯利兹) | 英语(加勒比) | 英语(牙买加)
  | "en-AU" | "en-IN" | "en-ZA" | "en-NZ" | "en-IE" | "en-PH" | "en-ZW" | "en-BZ" | "en-CB" | "en-JM"
  // 英语(特立尼达和多巴哥) | 印地语(印度) | 西班牙语(西班牙) | 西班牙语(墨西哥) | 西班牙语(阿根廷) | 西班牙语(哥伦比亚) | 西班牙语(秘鲁) | 西班牙语(委内瑞拉) | 西班牙语(智利) | 西班牙语(厄瓜多尔)
  | "en-TT" | "hi-IN" | "es-ES" | "es-MX" | "es-AR" | "es-CO" | "es-PE" | "es-VE" | "es-CL" | "es-EC"
  // 西班牙语(危地马拉) | 西班牙语(古巴) | 西班牙语(玻利维亚) | 西班牙语(多米尼加共和国) | 西班牙语(洪都拉斯) | 西班牙语(巴拉圭) | 西班牙语(萨尔瓦多) | 西班牙语(尼加拉瓜) | 西班牙语(波多黎各) | 西班牙语(乌拉圭)
  | "es-GT" | "es-CU" | "es-BO" | "es-DO" | "es-HN" | "es-PY" | "es-SV" | "es-NI" | "es-PR" | "es-UY"
  // 西班牙语(巴拿马) | 西班牙语(哥斯达黎加) | 阿拉伯语(埃及) | 阿拉伯语(沙特阿拉伯) | 阿拉伯语(阿尔及利亚) | 阿拉伯语(摩洛哥) | 阿拉伯语(伊拉克) | 阿拉伯语(苏丹) | 阿拉伯语(也门) | 阿拉伯语(叙利亚)
  | "es-PA" | "es-CR" | "ar-EG" | "ar-SA" | "ar-DZ" | "ar-MA" | "ar-IQ" | "ar-SD" | "ar-YE" | "ar-SY"
  // 阿拉伯语(突尼斯) | 阿拉伯语(利比亚) | 阿拉伯语(约旦) | 阿拉伯语(黎巴嫩) | 阿拉伯语(科威特) | 阿拉伯语(阿联酋) | 阿拉伯语(巴林) | 阿拉伯语(卡塔尔) | 阿拉伯语(阿曼) | 葡萄牙语(巴西)
  | "ar-TN" | "ar-LY" | "ar-JO" | "ar-LB" | "ar-KW" | "ar-AE" | "ar-BH" | "ar-QA" | "ar-OM" | "pt-BR"
  // 葡萄牙语(葡萄牙) | 俄语(俄罗斯) | 日语(日本) | 德语(德国) | 德语(奥地利) | 德语(瑞士) | 法语(法国) | 法语(加拿大) | 法语(比利时) | 法语(瑞士)
  | "pt-PT" | "ru-RU" | "ja-JP" | "de-DE" | "de-AT" | "de-CH" | "fr-FR" | "fr-CA" | "fr-BE" | "fr-CH"
  // 法语(卢森堡) | 法语(摩纳哥) | 韩语(韩国) | 意大利语(意大利) | 意大利语(瑞士) | 土耳其语 | 泰语 | 希腊语 | 捷克语 | 瑞典语
  | "fr-LU" | "fr-MC" | "ko-KR" | "it-IT" | "it-CH" | "tr-TR" | "th-TH" | "el-GR" | "cs-CZ" | "sv-SE"
  // 瑞典语(芬兰) | 匈牙利语 | 芬兰语 | 丹麦语 | 挪威博克马尔语 | 挪威尼诺斯克语 | 希伯来语 | 印度尼西亚语 | 马来语(马来西亚) | 马来语(文莱)
  | "sv-FI" | "hu-HU" | "fi-FI" | "da-DK" | "nb-NO" | "nn-NO" | "he-IL" | "id-ID" | "ms-MY" | "ms-BN"
  // 罗马尼亚语 | 保加利亚语 | 乌克兰语 | 斯洛伐克语 | 斯洛文尼亚语 | 克罗地亚语 | 加泰罗尼亚语 | 立陶宛语 | 拉脱维亚语 | 爱沙尼亚语
  | "ro-RO" | "bg-BG" | "uk-UA" | "sk-SK" | "sl-SI" | "hr-HR" | "ca-ES" | "lt-LT" | "lv-LV" | "et-EE"
  // 阿尔巴尼亚语 | 马其顿语 | 白俄罗斯语 | 冰岛语 | 加利西亚语 | 巴斯克语 | 南非荷兰语 | 斯瓦希里语 | 泰米尔语 | 泰卢固语
  | "sq-AL" | "mk-MK" | "be-BY" | "is-IS" | "gl-ES" | "eu-ES" | "af-ZA" | "sw-KE" | "ta-IN" | "te-IN"
  // 卡纳达语 | 马拉地语 | 古吉拉特语 | 旁遮普语 | 孔卡尼语 | 梵语 | 乌尔都语 | 波斯语 | 叙利亚语 | 迪维希语
  | "kn-IN" | "mr-IN" | "gu-IN" | "pa-IN" | "kok-IN" | "sa-IN" | "ur-PK" | "fa-IR" | "syr-SY" | "div-MV"
  // 格鲁吉亚语
  | "ka-GE";

export type BCP47LanguageTag = {
    tag: string 
    name: string
    nativeName: string
    default?: boolean

export type BCP47LanguageTags = Record<BCP47LanguageTagName,BCP47LanguageTag>


mapping bcp47 language tag to other language tag.

import baidu from 'bcp47-language-tags/mapper/baidu';
import google from 'bcp47-language-tags/mapper/google';
import xunfei from 'bcp47-language-tags/mapper/xunfei';
import tencent from 'bcp47-language-tags/mapper/tencent';
import google from 'bcp47-language-tags/mapper/google';
import iso6391 from 'bcp47-language-tags/mapper/iso639-1';
import iso6392 from 'bcp47-language-tags/mapper/iso639-2';
import iso6393 from 'bcp47-language-tags/mapper/iso639-3';

baidu['zh-CN']          // zh
iso6391['zh-CN']        // zh
iso6392['zh-CN']        // zho


getTag(tag: string): BCP47LanguageTag

get language tag.

// import { getTag,getTags } from 'bcp-language-tags/zh'; 
import { getTag } from 'bcp-language-tags/en';   

// {"tag": "zh-CN", "name": "Chinese (Simplified)", "nativeName": "简体中文", "primary": true}
// {"tag": "zh-TW", "name": "Chinese (Traditional - Taiwan)", "nativeName": "繁體中文 (臺灣)"}
// {"tag": "en-US", "name": "English (United States)", "nativeName": "English (United States)", "primary": true}

// return default language tag
// {"tag": "zh-CN", "name": "Chinese (Simplified)", "nativeName": "简体中文", "primary": true}
// {"tag": "en-US", "name": "English (United States)", "nativeName": "English (United States)", "primary": true}

getTags(tag: string): BCP47LanguageTag[]

list of language tags.

// return all language tags
// output:
//   [
//      {"tag": "zh-CN", "name": "Chinese (Simplified)", "nativeName": "简体中文", "primary": true}
//      {"tag": "zh-TW", "name": "Chinese (Traditional - Taiwan)", "nativeName": "繁體中文 (臺灣)"}
//      {"tag": "zh-HK", "name": "Chinese (Traditional - Hong Kong)", "nativeName": "繁體中文(香港)"}
//      {"tag": "zh-MO", "name": "Chinese (Traditional - Macau)", "nativeName": "繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese - Macau)"}
//      {"tag": "zh-SG", "name": "Chinese (Simplified - Singapore)", "nativeName": "简体中文 (Simplified Chinese - Singapore)"}
//      {"tag": "zh-CHS", "name": "Chinese (Simplified)", "nativeName": "简体中文"}
//      {"tag": "zh-CHT", "name": "Chinese (Traditional)", "nativeName": "繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)"}
//   ]



getPrimaryTags(): BCP47LanguageTag[]

list of primary language tags.

// return primary language tags
    {"tag": "zh-CN", "name": "Chinese (Simplified)", "nativeName": "简体中文", "primary": true},
    {"tag": "en-US", "name": "English (United States)", "nativeName": "English (United States)", "primary": true}
    {"tag": "es-ES", "name": "Spanish (Spain)", "nativeName": "Español (España)", "primary": true },
    {"tag": "de-DE", "name": "German (Germany)", "nativeName": "Deutsch (Deutschland)", "primary": true },
    {"tag": "fr-FR", "name": "French (France)", "nativeName": "Français (France)", "primary": true },
    {"tag": "it-IT", "name": "Italian (Italy)", "nativeName": "Italiano (Italia)", "primary": true },
    {"tag": "ja-JP", "name": "Japanese (Japan)", "nativeName": "日本語 (日本)", "primary": true },
    {"tag": "ko-KR", "name": "Korean (South Korea)", "nativeName": "한국어 (대한민국)", "primary": true },
    {"tag": "ru-RU", "name": "Russian (Russia)", "nativeName": "Русский (Россия)", "primary": true },
    {"tag": "nl-NL", "name": "Dutch (Netherlands)", "nativeName": "Nederlands (Nederland)", "primary": true },
    {"tag": "pt-PT", "name": "Portuguese (Portugal)", "nativeName": "Português (Portugal)", "primary": true },
    {"tag": "ar-EG", "name": "Arabic (Egypt)", "nativeName": "العربية (مصر)", "primary": true }
