A tool for creating and developing bce mobile app.
Use the bce --help
command for more detailed task information.
$ npm install -g bce
Note: You should install ionic(v2.1.13) first.
Setup bce webAPP
$ bce setup bceApp
This command will:
- create project base template from: bce-app-base
- install npm packages
- add cordova plugins
- cordova-hot-code-push-plugin
- cordova-plugin-app-version
- https://github.com/jianling/cordova-plugin-bdpush
- cordova-plugin-compat
- cordova-plugin-console
- cordova-plugin-device
- cordova-plugin-file
- https://github.com/jianling/cordova-HTTP
- https://github.com/jianling/cordova-plugin-inappbrowser
- https://github.com/jianling/cordova-plugin-mtj
- https://github.com/jianling/cordova-plugin-multiview
- cordova-plugin-nativestorage
- https://github.com/jianling/cordova-plugin-payment.git
- cordova-plugin-splashscreen
- cordova-plugin-statusbar
- cordova-plugin-whitelist
- ionic-plugin-keyboard
- call-number
- add iOS platform for application
Build common css and webpack Dll file
$ bce buildCommon
This command will:
- build common css into www/lib/ionic.css
- build common js into www/lib/ionic.js
- write a manifest json file named ionic-manifest.json which contains mappings from real request to module id
Hot Code Push Plugin CLI
build hcp.json
and hcp.manifest
$ bce hcp build [www_directory]
- path to the directory with your web project. If not specified - www is used.
Command is used to prepare project for deployment and to generate plugin specific configuration files inside www folder:
- holds release related information.hcp.manifest
- holds information about web project files: their names (relative paths) and hashes.
deploy www files to BOS
$ bce hcp deploy [www_directory]
- path to the directory with your web project. If not specified - www is used.
Command is used to upload all www file to bos bucket.