Re-usable base customElement to avoid repeated bootstrap code, flexible to choose own rendering or use hyperHTML/LitHTML/LighterHTML
This base component allows you to create a customElement without repeated bootstrapping code. Optionally you can use rendering library of your choice(vdom, preact, etc.) or just vanilla JS. You can also choose from the provided wrapped component with lit-html
or hyperHTML
to efficiently render/re-render templates to DOM, while keeping the component creation API same.
Note: To keep this package lean,
are moved out as external dependencies, please make sure to include based on your choice.
V1 re-written with Typescript support and improved developer experience with type definition for attribute values, conversion of all attributes default is no-longer works, you have to define them in a
static get attrToProp
method see examples below.
npm i baseui-wc-base-component
Since it's an UMD bundle, this can be imported into ES6/CJS/AMD modules in node or in browser environment
// ES6
import { BaseUICustomElement } from 'baseui-wc-base-component';
// CJS
const { BaseUICustomElement } = require('baseui-wc-base-component');
// AMD
define('module_name', ['baseui-wc-base-component'], function (BaseUICustomElement){});
<script src=""></script>
Component lifecycle methods:
Name | When it gets called
--------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| before the component gets attached to the DOM (use this instead of constructor)
| on connectedCallback trigger
| after the component gets attached to the DOM (only once, after first render)
| before render()
| after render()
| shallow merge state changes and perform re-render
| register custom element, helps prevent throwing error when same element is imported into other modules and try to register again
Other DOM helper methods, refer below example:
Name | When it gets called
------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
hasAttr(attr, targetEle?)
| Returns boolean based on if the attribute exist on the element
getAttr(attr, targetEle?)
| Returns value of the given attribute on the element
setAttr(attr, value, targetEle?)
| Sets value to the given attribute on the element
removeAttr(attr, targetEle?)
| Removes the given attribute on the element
addClass(className, targetEle?)
| Adds class on the given element
removeClass(className, targetEle?)
| Removes class on the given element
hasClass(className, targetEle?)
| Returns boolean based on if the class exist on the element
toggleClass(className, targetEle?, force)
| Toggles class on the given element
find(selector, targetEle?)
| Search and return element from the DOM based on the given selector and context element
findAll(selector, targetEle?)
| Search and return all elements from the DOM based on the given selector and context element
on(eventName, targetEle?, callback)
| Adds event listener on the given target element and calls the provided callback function when triggered
off(eventName, targetEle?, callback)
| Removes event listener on the given target element
trigger(eventName, targetEle?, eventData)
| Emits an event (including custom events) on a given target element, note third param takes an object which will create customEvent with event detail object in it to pass information
Live preview of below examples from codesandbox
with BaseCustomElement
Optionally you can use rendering library of your choice or just vanilla JS.
import { BaseUICustomElement } from 'baseui-wc-base-component';
class HeaderTextBase extends BaseUICustomElement {
static get attrToProp() {
return {
text: { type: String, observe: true, require: true }
willConnect() {
this.state = { count: 0 };
didRender() {
const clickHandlerEle = this.find('[js-click-handler]');
this.on('click', clickHandlerEle, this);
onClick() {
this.setState((prevState) => ({ count: prevState.count + 1 }));
this.clickCount = this.state.count ? ` -> click count ${this.state.count}` : '';
render({ text, clickCount = '' }: this) {
this.innerHTML = `
<h2 class="header-text__htext">
<span js-click-handler>${text}</span>
Usage in HTML:
<header-text-base text="Rendered with base-custom-element"></header-text-base>
If you want to use in a Typescript project, can be written like below examples with hyper/lit html rendering.
with hyperHTML
import { CustomElement } from 'baseui-wc-base-component/esm/decorators';
import { Component } from 'baseui-wc-base-component/esm/with-hyperHTML';
interface HeaderTextState {
count: number;
export class HeaderTextHyper extends Component<HeaderTextState> {
readonly state = {
count: 0
static get attrToProp() {
return {
text: { type: String, observe: true, require: true }
onClick() {
this.setState((prevState) => ({ count: prevState.count + 1 }));
this.clickCount = this.state.count ? ` -> click count ${this.state.count}` : '';
render({ domRender, text, clickCount }) {
return domRender`
<h2 class="header-text__htext">
<span onclick="${this}">${text}</span>
Usage in HTML:
<header-text-hyper text="Title text component: hyper-html"></header-text-hyper>
with litHTML
import { CustomElement } from 'baseui-wc-base-component/esm/decorators';
import { Component } from 'baseui-wc-base-component/esm/with-litHTML';
interface HeaderTextState {
count: number;
class HeaderTextLit extends Component<HeaderTextState> {
readonly state = {
count: 0
static get attrToProp() {
return {
text: { type: String, observe: true, require: true }
onClick() {
this.setState((prevState) => ({ count: prevState.count + 1 }));
this.clickCount = this.state.count ? ` -> click count ${this.state.count}` : '';
render({ domRender, text, clickCount }) {
return domRender`
<h2 class="header-text__htext">
<span @click="${this}">${text}</span>
Usage in HTML:
<header-text-hyper text="Title text component: hyper-html"></header-text-hyper>
Component with external renderers example
Live preview from codesandbox:
Toggle view example (usage in TS)