This is a simple web application that allows users to input their monthly spending on different categories and visualizes the distribution of their spending using a bar chart.
Monthly Spending Visualizer
This is a simple web application that allows users to input their monthly spending on different categories (food, clothing, saving, and rent) and visualizes the distribution of their spending using a bar chart.
- Input Form: Users can enter their monthly spending for each category through a user-friendly input form.
- Chart Visualization: The application dynamically generates a bar chart to visually represent the distribution of spending across different categories.
- Local Storage: User data is stored locally in the browser's storage, allowing users to revisit the page and see their previously entered data.
You can simply include the provided HTML file in your project and customize it as needed. Ensure that you have an internet connection during usage, as it relies on the Chart.js library loaded from a CDN.
- Open the HTML file in a web browser.
- Enter your monthly spending for each category (food, clothing, saving, and rent) in the input fields.
- Click the "Save" button to save your data and update the chart.
- Optionally, you can click the "Cancel" button to clear all input fields.
- The chart will dynamically update to display your spending distribution.
- Chart.js: A JavaScript library for creating charts. The library is loaded from a CDN, so an internet connection is required.
Contributions are welcome! If you have suggestions for improvements, feel free to create an issue or submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
- Thanks to the Chart.js team for their amazing charting library.
For any inquiries, please contact [[email protected]].