Azure active directory authentication
WebApp Azure Active Directory Release Notes
- Version 1.0.2
- Version: WA-1.0.2
- Date of Release: 19-01-2022
:100: Summary
- This package will enable users to use Authentication logic(which has been written in Node.js)
:boom: Known Issues
- NA
:100: Summary
User will have to replace few things in .env file of the code
- In IDENTITY_META field in .env file repalce with the tenant-Id of your application.
- In CLIENT_ID field in .env file replace with the clientId of your application.
- In REDIRECTURL filed replace with the redirect url which you have opted in your application on cloud paltform.
- In CLIENT_SECRET field replace with the client-secret in your cloud platform(azure-aws) where your application has registerd.
- In DESTROY_SESSION_URL field replace with your azure logout url when you created an application.
:rocket: New Features
- NA
:boom: Important Note
- consider a case where you register a logout URl like http://localhost:8080/api/v1/AAD/signsuccess
** Then you will have to change the hitting address in your post api present in test.route.js file present in routes folder.