Notification library for Backbone.js
Notification library for Backbone.js
bower install backbone.tango --save
npm install backbone.tango --save'The more you know...');
An options object can be provided as a second argument.
notifier.success('Success!!!', {
position: 'bottom-left',
timeout: 3000
notifier.success('Going left');
**View options**
* position: Determines the place where notifications are shown. Values accepted: `top-right`, `top-left`, `bottom-right`, `bottom-left`, `top-center`, `bottom-center`, `top-full-width`, `bottom-full-width` (default: `top-right`).
* timeout: The amount of time (in milliseconds) a notification remains visible (default: `5000`).
* newestOnTop: Determines if new notifications are rendered on top of old ones (default: true).
* type: Notification type. Values: `info`, `success`, `error`, `warning`, `loader` (default: `undefined`).
* render: Determines if the notification is renderer automatically after creation (default: `true`).
* clearAll: When true, all notifications are removed except for the current one (Default: `false`).
* clearContainer: When true, all notifications rendered in the same container are hided (Default: `false`).
* viewClass: The default view class (Default: `Backbone.Tango.View`).
**Style options**
* cssClass: A CSS class used for all notification views. When a notification defines a `type` it will also be used to generate an additional class ("tango-success", "tango-warning", etc) (default: `tango`).
* showMethod: The jQuery method used to show the current view (default: `fadeIn`).
* showDuration: The amount of time (in milliseconds) for the specified show animation (default: 250).
* showEasing: The easing method used for the specified show animation (default: `swing`).
* hideMethod: The jQuery method used to hide the current view (default: `fadeOut`).
* hideDuration: The amount of time (in milliseconds) for the specified hide animation (default: `850`).
* hideEasing: The easing method used for the specified hide animation (default: `swing`).
**Events options**
* tapToDismiss: Determines if a view is removed after a *click* event (default: *true*).
* extendedTimeout: The time in milliseconds in which a notification remains visible after a hover event (default: 1000).
* onShown: A function called when a view is shown (default: *undefined*).
* onHidden: A function called when a view is hdden (default: *undefined*).
**Container options**
Containers are elements that wrap one or more notificacions in order to be displayed in the requested position. When a notification is removed from screen it also checks if the current container has any childs left. Empty containers are removed as well.
* target: The element where all notification containers are appended to (default: `body`).
* containerBaseId: All containers are generated using and id that combines this option and the position where is rendered (default: `tango-container`).
* containerClass: A CSS class used for all containers (default: `tango-container`). Containers also include an additional CSS class associated with the position.
**Overlay options**
* overlay: When true, an overlay is appended to the document before showing the notification (Default: `false`).
* overlayClass: The CSS class used by the overlay (Default `tango-overlay`).
**Template options**
* template: The function used to generate a notification view (default: `undefined`, when no template is found then a default one is used).
* templateFn: A function that receives a list of options and returns a template function. It has priority over the `template` option (default: `undefined`).
* includeDefaultVars: When true, additional values like `nid` (notification id) and `cssClass` are added to the template arguments (Default: `true`).
* templateVars: Additional vars that are provided to the template (Default: `null`).
###Using templates
This example illustrates how to use a default notification template using Undercore.js. We start by adding the following snippet to our page.
<script type="text/template" id="notifier-tpl">
<div class="tango">
var notifier = new Notifier({ template: _.template($('#notifier-tpl').html()) });
This template receives a `title` and a `message` argument. We need to provide them using an object.
title: 'Hello',
message: 'This is my custom template'
notifier.warning('Stop right there criminal scum!', { onShown: function(data, options) { console.log('Message "' + data.message + '" was showed.'); },
onHidden: function(data, options) {
console.log('Notification was showed for about ' + (options.timeout / 1000) + ' seconds.');
timeout: 7000
We can also bind a callback to a view event just like any regular *Backbone* view. During its lifetime, a `Tango.View` instance triggers a `shown` and a `hidden` event. Any callback triggered by the `shown` event is called before the `onShown` callback. Same goes for the `hidden` event handler and the `onHidden` callback.
var notifier = new Backbone.Tango.Notifier();
var view ="The princess is in another castle");
// Bind a callback to the 'shown' event
view.on('shown', function(view, data, options) {
console.log('Showing view "' + view.cid + '"');
// Bind a callback to the 'hidden' event
view.on('hidden', function(view, data, options) {
console.log('Removing view "' + view.cid + '"');
// CloseableNotification class var CloseableNotification = View.extend({ events: { "click .close-button": "close" },
close: function(e) {
}, { defaults: { template: _.template($('#closeable-tpl').html()),
tapToDismiss: false,
timeout: 0,
extendedTimeout: 0
Now we create a new notifier instance using this class as the argument. The notifier instance will then import the configuration from the `defaults` property.
var Notifier = Backbone.Tango.Notifier;
// Import defaults from CloseableNotification
var notifier = new Notifier(CloseableNotification);{
title: 'Welcome',
message: 'How are you today?'
var view = notifier.make(CloseableNotification, { title: 'Welcome', message: 'How are you today?' });
Loaders are a special type of notification that are generated using the `loader` method. By default they include a small css animation just before the text.
var notifier = new Backbone.Tango.Notifier();
// Show loader for 4 seconds setTimeout(function () { view.hide(); }, 4000);
This library is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.