Wrapper to use SoundManager2 audio player with backbone models.
is a wrapper around SoundManager2
that helps including and using it within a Backbone application.
How to use?
You should initialize a single Backbone.SoundManager2
player object, for instance as a global App.player
App.player = new Backbone.SoundManager2
The player expects to be given playable
objects, that is Backbone.Model
objects, extended with a getAudioURL
asynchronous method to return a URL to be played.
App.player.load playable # Play a playable model
App.player.toggle() # Toggle play/pause
App.player.stop() # You got this one, right? :-)
App.player.setPosition 0.25 # Set playing position to 25%
App.player.setVolume 0.75 # Set volume to 75%
Please, refer to the code for more details about the available functions. Each of them are properly documented.
How to integrate?
A Backbone.SoundManager2
instance will emit events related to its actions. Those events are also
emitted on any playable model current being played.
You can use those to integrate the player within you Backbone.View
. For instance, for a global
player view:
class App.View.Player extends Backbone.View
initialize: ->
App.player.on "released", @clear
App.player.on "loaded", @loaded
App.player.on "loading", @loading
App.player.on "paused", @paused
App.player.on "played", @played
App.player.on "playing", @updatePosition
App.player.on "resumed", @played
App.player.on "stopped", @stopped
App.player.on "finished", @finished
updatePosition: (sound) =>
return unless sound?
@$(".bar .filler").css "width",
"#{Math.round(100 * sound.position / sound.durationEstimate)}%"
position = new Date sound.position
# Duration is an estimate so we're better
# computing it each time..
duration = new Date sound.durationEstimate
@$(".played").text _.sprintf("%d:%02d", position.getMinutes(), position.getSeconds())
@$(".remaining").text _.sprintf("%d:%02d", duration.getMinutes(), duration.getSeconds())
Likewise, for a view referring to a playable
class App.View.Track extends Backbone.View
initialize: ->
@model.on "player:paused", @paused
@model.on "player:played", @played
@model.on "player:resumed", @played
@model.on "player:stopped", @stopped
@model.on "player:finished", @finished
If backbone.modelizer is installed, playable.retain()
will be called when playable
is being played and playable.release()
will be called when playable
is being released.
Just include backbone.soundmanager2.js
after including backbone.js
and soundManager2
and before
any code that makes use of it and you're ready to go!
If you want to use it as a browserify module, simply include it in your package.json
"dependencies": {
"backbone.soundmanager2": "git://"
Then, after doing npm install
, you'll be able to require it in your app. For example:
var Backbone.SoundManager2 = require('backbone.soundmanager2');