Backbone Model and Collection extensions for working with json:api formatted datasets and server responses
Backbone json api
Backbone Model and Collection extensions for working with json:api formatted datasets and server responses. Traverse attributes and relations with simple and powerful api.
"If you’ve ever argued with your team about the way your JSON responses should be formatted, JSON API can be your anti-bikeshedding tool." If you are new to JSON api we recommend you browse json api website and examples to familiarize yourself with specification. This library is built upon standards and conventions of JSON api and provides a simple way to traverse and retrieve all those attributes and relations.
Examples and api
Browse tests to examine library api and usage.
Backbone json api is packaged as UMD library so you can use it in CommonJS and AMD environment or with browser globals.
npm install backbone-json-api --save
// with bundlers
var backboneJsonApi = require('backbone-json-api');
// with browser globals
var backboneJsonApi = window.backboneJsonApi;