Creates BabylonJS materials and textures from an abstract data format.
Babylon material factory
Creates babylon materials from an abstract data format. All textures are referenced at your will as an user-defined URL resolver. will be called.
This library is coded in ES6.
Getting Started
Add the npm package babylon-material-factory to your project:
npm install babylon-material-factory babylonjs --save
or clone:
git clone [email protected]:wanadev/babylon-material-factory.git
Please not that the BabylonJS dependency is configured to be a peer one. Thus, you'll need to provide the dependency by yourself.
const materialFactory = require("babylon-material-factory");
// Set the URL resolver..
materialFactory.setUrlResolver((assetId) => {
// Returning a valid URL (or blob-URL) to an image.
return /* Promise<String> */;
// Creates a BABYLON.StandardMaterial.
"specularPower": 0.1,
"diffuseTexture": {
"__type__": "texture",
"assetId": /* Whatever your URL resolver needs */,
"uScale": 4,
.then(material => /* BABYLON.Material */)
URL resolver
When not set, the default URL resolver supposes that the assetId
is an URL. Which means it's implementation looks like:
materialFactory.setUrlResolver(function(assetId) {
return new Promise(resolve => resolve(assetId)));
Material's params
The generateMaterial
accepts a list of data that are stored
in a plain object way:
"specularPower": 0.1,
Validity of each parameter is not checked: it is just applied
to a object through the applyData(material, data)
This means, even if BabylonJS's API change in the future,
this library won't need any update.
However, for non-basic attributes (those which are not numbers nor strings),
you will need to create an object with __type__
Material's param: texture
Within the material object, one can specify a texture:
"diffuseTexture": {
"__type__": "texture",
"assetId": /* Whatever your URL resolver needs */,
"uScale": 4,
NOTE: One can specify an "url"
property directly with no "assetId"
In that case, no URL resolver is needed.
You can specify if you want a BABYLON.Texture (default) or a
with the __kind__
"diffuseTexture": {
"__type__": "texture",
"assetId": /* Whatever your URL resolver needs */,
"__kind__": "cube",
Material's param: color
A color is defined as such:
"diffuseColor": {
"__type__": "color",
"value": "#AD2D4E", // Will be imported with BABYLON.Color4.FromHexString(value)
The value
is any parsable String
by photonui.Color
Material's param: fresnelParameters
A FresnelParameter is defined as such:
"reflectionFresnelParameters": {
"__type__": "fresnelParameter",
"bias": 0.3,
"power": 1,
"leftColor": {
"__type__": "color",
"value": "#AD2D4E",
PBR materials
By default, a BABYLON.StandardMaterial
is created, however a BABYLON.PBRMaterial
can be instanciated with:
"materialParams": {
"__kind__": "pbr",
"directIntensity ": 0.5,