Babel plugin for mocking ES imports
A Babel plugin that transforms JavaScript modules to enable mocking of their dependencies in tests.
See the Usage section below for information on getting started, and the FAQ at the end of the README for a comparison to alternative solutions.
- Provides a simple interface for mocking imports in tests
- Can be used with any test runner, any bundler, and whether tests are being run under Node or in the browser
- Transforms code in a straightforward way that is easy to debug if necessary
- Minimizes the amount of extra code added to modules, to reduce the impact on test execution time
- Detects incorrect usage (eg. mocking a module or import that is not used) and causes a test failure if this happens
- Can be used with both JavaScript and TypeScript
Install the plugin:
npm install babel-plugin-mockable-imports
Then configure Babel to use it.
Note that you only want to apply this plugin for local development builds
and ideally only when running tests. One way to do this that works in multiple
environments is to use the env
option in your .babelrc
For example, the following config in .babelrc will always load the plugin:
"plugins": ["mockable-imports"]
To load it only if the NODE_ENV
environment variable is set to development
"env": {
"development": {
"plugins": ["mockable-imports"]
By default the plugin will try to avoid processing test modules. See the section on limiting mocking to specific files for details.
Basic usage in tests
Each module in your codebase that this plugin is applied to will now export an
object with $mock
and $restore
methods. In your tests, import
the $imports
object from the module under test, call $mock
to replace
imports with stubs and $restore
to cleanup after the test.
For example, given this password.js
file that we want to test:
import {randomBytes} from 'crypto-functions';
export function generatePassword() {
return randomBytes(10)
.map(byte => byte.toString(16).padStart(2, '0'))
We can write a test as follows, mocking the randomBytes
import {generatePassword, $imports} from './password';
describe('generatePassword', () => {
afterEach(() => {
// Undo any mocks after each test run. This can be called even if no
// mocking was done by a test.
it('generates expected password string', () => {
const fakeRandomBytes = length => Array(length).fill(42);
// Install mocks. The argument is a map of module paths (as used in the
// module being tested) to replacement exports.
'crypto-functions': {
// Keys here are the names of the exports. Values are mocks.
randomBytes: fakeRandomBytes,
assert.equal(generatePassword(), '2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a');
See the example project for a complete runnable project using Mocha as a test runner.
Mocking default exports
If a module being mocked has a default export (eg. export default MyReactComponent
it can be mocked by setting the default
For example, given ./Header.js
export default function Header() {
The Header
function can be mocked in tests for a different module using:
'./Header': {default: FakeHeader},
'./Footer': {default: FakeFooter},
As a convenience, if the value for any of the keys in the object passed to
is a function, it is assumed to be a default export for the module.
This means that assuming FakeHeader
and FakeFooter
are functions,
the following is equivalent to the above:
'./Header': FakeHeader,
'./Footer': FakeFooter,
Mocking all imports that match a pattern
In some tests you may want to mock many dependencies in the same way, or ensure that all imports meeting certain criteria in a module are mocked consistently.
You can pass a function to $imports.$mock
which will be called with the
source, symbol name and original value of each import. The result of the
function will be used as the mock for that import if it is not null
For example, to mock all functions imported by a module, you can use:
$imports.$mock((source, symbol, value) => {
if (typeof value === 'function') {
// Mock functions using Sinon.
return sinon.stub();
} else {
// Skip mocking objects, constants etc.
return null;
To ensure that a test mocks every imported function, you can use:
// Throw an error if any unmocked function is called.
$imports.$mock((source, symbol, value) => {
if (typeof value === 'function') {
return () => throw new Error('Function not mocked');
return null;
// Setup mocks for expected imports.
'./util': { doSomething: fakeDoSomething },
Limiting mocking to specific files
Babel allows the set of plugins applied to files to be configured on a per directory basis. See the Babel configuration docs. You can also define overrides for more fine-grained rules.
As a convenience, the plugin by default skips any files in directories named
or __tests__
or their subdirectories. This can be configured using the
Restoring specific mocks
Calling $imports.$restore()
will undo/restore all active mocks for a module. It is
also possible to restore only specific mocks by passing an object which specifies
the modules and symbols to un-mock. The object is in the same format as the
argument to $imports.$mock
, except the values are booleans indicating whether
to restore the mock.
// Restore all mocks for imports from the './some-widget' module. Other mocks are
// left alone.
'./some-widget': true
// Restore mocks for the "foo" symbol imported from the './utils' module. Other
// mocks are left alone.
'./utils': {
foo: true,
The plugin supports the following options:
An array of directory names (eg. "tests") whose modules are excluded from this transformation by default.
An array of module names which should be ignored when processing imports. Any imports from these modules will not be mockable. Module names can be specified as strings (to match exactly) or regular expressions.
By default this list includes imports from a few packages (eg. proxyquire, @rollup/plugin-babel) which are known not to work well with this plugin.
Usage with TypeScript
It is possible to use this plugin with TypeScript. In order to do that you need
to transform your TypeScript code using Babel when running tests, and also
use a helper function to get access to the $imports
object for a module.
Since this object is not present in the original source, the TypeScript compiler
is not aware of its existence.
See the typescript example project for a runnable example.
How it works
When the plugin processes a module, it gathers the set of imported symbols and
uses them to initialize an $imports
object, which is also exported from the
module. This object has a property corresponding to each import, in addition
to the $mock
and $restore
methods to temporarily modify those properties.
All references to imports are replaced with lookups of the corresponding
property of the $imports
object. For example, this code:
const someValue = dependencyA() + dependencyB();
const someValue = $imports.dependencyA() + $imports.dependencyB();
When you call $imports.$mock
in a test, the values of these properties are
temporarily changed to refer to the mocks instead. $imports.$restore
the properties to their original values.
Common problems and errors
Mocking code that runs when a module is imported
A downside of the approach used by this plugin is that you can't use it to change the result of code that is executed when the module is first imported. For example if a module has:
import helper from './utils/helper';
export const aConstant = helper(someData);
export function usesHelper() {
return helper(someOtherData);
It is possible to mock helper
in usesHelper
but not the initialization of aConstant
. There are solutions to this, but they will involve changes to the code being tested:
- Change the design of your code so that it exports a function which must be called, instead of executing side effects during the initial import. Making imports free of side effects can have other benefits, eg. for tree-shaking.
- Add an indirection so that the code you want to test calls/uses the mock on-demand rather than during the initial evaluation.
"Module not does import..." error when calling $imports.$mock
You may get this error when calling $imports.$mock
if the module name or symbol
does not match one that has been registered as an import of the module.
Common reasons this can happen are:
A misspelling in the file path or symbol name passed to
. Check that the path and symbol name match what is used in the module being tested.Your code is transformed before being processed by this plugin in a way that modifies the imports. This may happen, for example, if you are compiling code from another language into JavaScript before applying this plugin.
The available symbols to mock can be found by inspecting
. This is an object that maps the name of the symbol in the file to the location that it comes from.Note: $meta is not considered a public API of this plugin and its shape may change in minor or patch releases.
export conflicts
The plugin adds an export named $imports
to every module it processes. This may cause conflicts if you try to combine exports from multiple modules using export * from <module>
. See issue. It can also cause problems if you have code which tries to loop over the exports of a module and does not gracefully handle unexpected exports.
We may in future add an alternative method of exposing the $imports
object so that tests can get at it.
Dynamic imports
There is currently no support for dynamic imports using import()
If you encounter any problems using this plugin, please file an issue.
How does this plugin differ from alternative approaches?
This plugin was created to work around subtle problems and inefficiencies that arose when using proxyquire. In particular proxyquire:
- Evaluates the module under test and all its dependencies with an empty module cache each time it is invoked. In some respects this is a useful feature, but there is non-trivial overhead to doing this and it can also cause difficult-to-debug failures when a third-party module that maintains global state is evaluated multiple times, or objects from different copies of the module come into contact with one another.
- Is tied to Node and Browserify
- Works only with
calls, rather than handlingimport
declarations "natively". This can cause issues such as Babel's transformation ofimport
breaking proxyquireify's ability to recognizeproxyquire
Additionally because this plugin adds metadata to modules about their imports, it can provide helpful warnings at runtime if a mock is provided which doesn't match the imported symbols, eg. due to an unnecessary mock or a typo in the module path or symbol name.
There is another Babel plugin, babel-plugin-rewire which aims to solve the same problem, but it generates a large amount of extra code in each module which can cause problems in large production apps.
A technique which doesn't involve any plugins at all is to monkey-patch the exports of a module that you want to mock during a test. The problem with this is that all modules which depend on that module will see the mocks, not just the module you are testing. This can also cause surprising failures.
The Jest test runner has built-in support for mocking modules. If you are using that test runner, you probably want to use its built-in facilities. This plugin works with any project that uses Babel to transpile code, even if Babel is only used in development.