Microsoft Azure Storage Client Library for node for back compat with older versions of node sdk
Microsoft Azure SDK for Node.js - Legacy Storage
This project provides a Node.js package that lets you consume Azure storage services. This package exists to provide back compatibility with previous versions of the azure sdk for node.
- API version: 2013-03-01
- Blob client
- Table Store client
- Queue client
How to Install
npm install azure-storage-legacy
How to Use
Table Storage
To ensure a table exists, call createTableIfNotExists:
var tableService = storage.createTableService();
tableService.createTableIfNotExists('tasktable', function(error){
// Table exists
A new entity can be added by calling insertEntity:
var tableService = storage.createTableService(),
task1 = {
PartitionKey : 'tasksSeattle',
RowKey: '1',
Description: 'Take out the trash',
DueDate: new Date(2011, 12, 14, 12)
tableService.insertEntity('tasktable', task1, function(error){
// Entity inserted
The method queryEntity can then be used to fetch the entity that was just inserted:
var tableService = storage.createTableService();
tableService.queryEntity('tasktable', 'tasksSeattle', '1', function(error, serverEntity){
// Entity available in serverEntity variable
Blob Storage
The createContainerIfNotExists method can be used to create a container in which to store a blob:
var blobService = storage.createBlobService();
blobService.createContainerIfNotExists('taskcontainer', {publicAccessLevel : 'blob'}, function(error){
// Container exists and is public
To upload a file (assuming it is called task1-upload.txt and it is placed in the same folder as the script below), the method createBlob can be used. This method will return a writable stream which can be writen to, for instance, through piping:
var blobService = storage.createBlobService();
fs.createReadStream('task1-upload.txt').pipe(blobService.createBlob('taskcontainer', 'task1', storage.Constants.BlobConstants.BlobTypes.BLOCK));
To download the blob and write it to the file system, a similar getBlob method can be used:
var blobService = storage.createBlobService();
blobService.getBlob('taskcontainer', 'task1').pipe(fs.createWriteStream('task1-download.txt'));
To create a SAS URL you can use the getBlobUrl method. Additionally you can use the date helper functions to easily create a SAS that expires at some point relative to the current time.
var blobService = storage.createBlobService();
//create a SAS that expires in an hour
var sharedAccessPolicy = {
AccessPolicy: {
var sasUrl = blobService.getBlobUrl(containerName, blobName, sharedAccessPolicy);
Storage Queues
The createQueueIfNotExists method can be used to ensure a queue exists:
var queueService = storage.createQueueService();
queueService.createQueueIfNotExists('taskqueue', function(error){
// Queue exists
The createMessage method can then be called to insert the message into the queue:
var queueService = storage.createQueueService();
queueService.createMessage('taskqueue', 'Hello world!', function(error){
// Message inserted
It is then possible to call the getMessage method, process the message and then call deleteMessage inside the callback. This two-step process ensures messages don't get lost when they are removed from the queue.
var queueService = storage.createQueueService(),
queueName = 'taskqueue';
queueService.getMessages(queueName, function(error, serverMessages){
// Process the message in less than 30 seconds, the message
// text is available in serverMessages[0].messagetext
queueService.deleteMessage(queueName, serverMessages[0].messageid, serverMessages[0].popreceipt, function(error){
// Message deleted