Command line agent to register rules in the Azure SQL firewall for the device the agent is running on.
Command line agent to automatically add your current public IP address to the Azure SQL firewall.
You will need the Azure CLI installed. Then just run
$ yarn add azure-sql-agent
$ ./node_modules/azure-sql-agent/lib/azure-sql-agent.js
You can also install the package globally: yarn global add azure-sql-agent
All SQL servers for which you want to automatically setup firewall rules have to be configured.
The configuration file is expected to be in ~/.azure-sql-agent/config.json
'prefix': 'my-prefix',
'notifications': false,
'errorNotifications': true,
'servers': [
'subscription': 'hex-subscription-id',
'resourceGroup': 'resource-group-name',
'name': 'server-name'
The prefix is a personal name that is used to distinguish the firewall rules. When running the agent, other rules with this prefix will be removed, as they are expected to be old rules that have been created by earlier runs.
Set notifications to true
if you would like to have a small window pop up
whenever the firewall rules have been updated.
Set errorNotifications to false
if you do not want to be informed when the agent
crashes. Errors usually occur when the Azure API takes too long to respond.
The subscription is the full identifier of your Azure subscription.
You can see the currently active subscription in the id
field when issueing az account show
The options resourceGroup and name identify the specific SQL server.
Make sure to run az login
before you run the agent, as it requires an existing authentication.
After the configuration is complete, run the agent:
$ ./node_modules/azure-sql-agent/lib/azure-sql-agent.js
Agent is running now: 70295
To start the agent in the foreground, use -f
A full list of options is displayed when using --help
The agent automatically checks for changes in your internal IP address every second, assuming that a new local IP address has been assigned due to switching the WiFi network, for example. This triggers a check if your public IP has also changed.
Additionally, the agent checks if your public IP has changed every 5 minutes.
Any changes in your configuration file trigger a full reload, where all firewall rules will be
checked, regardless of any IP address changes. You could also trigger this reload manually by
using touch ~/.azure-sql-agent/config.json
The process ID will be written to ~/.azure-sql-agent/
. To stop the agent, you can run
$ kill $(cat ~/.azure-sql-agent/
The Azure SQL Agent is licensed under the MIT License