Npm module to quickly perform an Azure WebSite/WebApp using GIT deployment
Node script to quickly perform Azure App Service/Website deployment using GIT deployment.
Global install:
npm install -g azure-site-deploy
Local install:
npm install --save-dev azure-site-deploy
Required configuration file
Create a file azure-site-deploy.json. It should contain a map of your site(s), where each site has values for:
- appServiceName
The Azure App Service name we need to deploy for
keychainServiceName The Servicename under which your Azure Deployment password is stored in keychain/vault*
keychainAccountName The Accountname under which your Azure Deployment password is stored in keychain/vault, also used as Azure deployment 'Username' during deployment*
The directory containing the content that needs to be deployed to the Azure App Service
- checkUrl
[Optional] The url that needs to be checked after a deployment has been perdormed
Example Configuration
Filename: azure-site-deploy.json
"mysite": {
"appServiceName": "mysite",
"keychainServiceName": "Azure Deployment Credentials",
"keychainAccountName": "MyAzureDeploymentUsername",
"buildOutput": "./dist",
"checkUrl": ""
Keychain / Vault
For Keychain/Vault interaction Keytar is being used.
To allow azure-site-deply password work with OSX keychain create an "application password" & enter:
- Name: <choose a name you like>
- Kind: <choose a kind you like>
- Account: make this match the value for "keychainAccountName"
- Where: make this match the value for "keychainServiceName"
- Password: <your Azure Deployment password>
Also make sure to provide the "node" process access to Keychain password entry.
When azure-site-deploy has been installed globally:
- Perform the project specific build for your project, this should produce output in buildOutput
- Run azure-site-deploy, use commandline option -s (or --site) and provide the site you want to deploy
azure-site-deploy --site mysite
When azure-sit-deploy has been installed locally:
Add azure-site-deploy to one of the scripts in your package.json
... other content in package.json not shown here
"scripts": {
"deploy": "dotnet publish && azure-site-deploy --site mysite"
* Azure App Service configuration for GIT deployment
Enable "Local GIT" deployment on your Azure App Service
Also: set "Deployment credentials" for your Azure GIT/FTP deployments. Note: The Azure "Deployment credentials" are a subscription wide setting